Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?


New member
Hi all! I was working remotely for a US company in Malaysia until July 2023 when my whole team got retrenched. My goal is to move to Singapore to built a living & be closer to my partner, who is also working in Singapore.

I was working as a Software Developer (self-taught except for a few classes in C Programming, my degree is in Biotech). My actual YoE as a Software Developer is about 7 months, whereas I worked as a Project Manager (1+ years) and a Data Engineer for 2+ years. My last drawn salary was 5k USD. I've been applying for these different functions since then, however did not get back from anyone despite using referrals.

I recently got a job as a Junior Project Manager in Singapore (my first choice is to be a software dev again, that is my primary interest & where I flourish most). The offered salary is 3.6k SGD monthly with 13th month salary. This is the only job offer I have gotten since July'23. Now, I understand that this is a very SMALL amount to survive in Singapore, but I have a place to stay temporarily in Singapore (rent-free) and my expenses are very minimal. My plan is to get a PR as soon as possible so that it would be easier for me to apply for technical roles in the future & be eligible for CPF.

Would it be foolish of me to make this jump & start from the bottom again? My motives is to move out of Malaysia & built my career there. But I'd love to hear your honest opinion regarding this on whether you would turn down this offer & continue interviewing if you were in my position (which.. I don't know when I'll get a job & I feel like I'm losing time each day to get a PR in Singapore). Thank you!
@veryhappyman singaporean here. don't do it. they are shortchanging you.

it's harder to apply as a pr on a workpermit and s pass than it is on an ep.

if you jump in between jobs, it's hard to explain when u are applying pr halfway. unless your plan is to take the job and jump immediately then yeah. go for it.
@justified4ever Would recruiters find it odd that I’m looking for a job 3 months into my current role (if I end up taking it?). Theyve also just called me to let me know that they’re raising it to 3.8k
@veryhappyman I won't take it if I were you. 3.8k is just not feasible. the employers see you malaysian, they trying their luck because they can't hire a singaoorean for that rate.

again, even if u decide to stay.. getting a PR based on that pass that is not ep alone is challenging.

If you are good at your job, recruitors will not bat an eye esp if you fit the criteria. I've been poached 1 month into a job before EVEN AFTER telling them I am 1 month in (I'm in sales).

if you move there, and u break up (touch wood), you have no place to stay, you have to rent a place for min 1.2k for a room. Then you have taxes. how you survive on 2.6k/month?
that's barely $70-80/day.
@aligirl1964 Glassdoor is usually pretty reliable for these purposes.

I'll save you the trouble:

Singtel pays junior project managers SGD72K - 118K which sounds about right.

The lower bound of that is consistent with what Citibank MAs and McKinsey business analysts make and what I presume an educated young person would need to keep body and soul together in Singapore.

Its probably sufficient for an EP which paves the way for a PR application (not a severe problem for a college educated Malaysian).

To be honest OP would be better off getting into an MA program at a local bank in Singapore. And those dont pay well at all.
@veryhappyman If you can, continue looking. The pay is poor and don't forget it's not even your primary choice of work. But it's easy for me to say when I have nothing on the line. Good luck OP
@ashs Not at all, it's really good advice & I really appreciate your honest concerns about this decision. I'm just... a little tired from not getting callbacks & each day I feel like I'm wasting my life away. I'm afraid that I won't ever get any offers again, and I lose out on time and money while I'm still jobless.
@veryhappyman I'm a bit confused with the salary being posted by many MalaysianPF Redditor. Is it me being really underpaid badly while holding a pretty dominant role in my company or I'm not understanding the job market well?
I had been working for nearly 18 years to my position and salary (was 13-14yrs exp or so when I reached my first 5 figure salary).
But here I keep seeing Redditor with easily 5 figure salary (converted to MYR) are age below 30 or exp less than 5 years.

As for OP, tbh if I'm the hiring manager even if I were to hire a software developer, I would only hire you with slightly higher than fresh grad since you have not much work exp and with no official certificate on software.
Hiring with a program/project management role will be more likely due to the exp and the role requiring less technical strength with the added advantage of your data analysis and software development for potential future growth.

In my take, the US$5k, is way overpaid (probably the reason they retrenched as they realise the were using US standard when they employ on Malaysia) in Malaysian and Singapore standards (unless I'm really wrong with market salary). So these markets will never pay you as high even in the current high demand situation.

If you really like software development and are unemployed now, why not take this opportunity to develop some mobile application while looking for job. You might be self employed and even build your own empire if it goes well.
@ferrick You’re probably being underpaid badly. The retrenchment happened because the company business model was not sustainable and company went under. To be frank, the US market rate would be at least double of my previous salary. I think you deserve to look elsewhere too if that’s how you really feel. All the best!
@veryhappyman To each their own.

Ultimately, it's your goals and you must do your best to achieve it.

I also took a massive paycut to relocate and I still believe it's the best career move I have ever made.
@veryhappyman I've been working from home for 3 years and I just could not continue working from home anymore. Relocated to KL where my HQ is and I find more joy commuting to work and have colleagues to be around with.
@younggenius If I accept this offer, I plan to really to push through the required time needed to be eligible for PR with this job (likely 1-2 years), then apply for PR and/or find a better paying job in Singapore again.
@veryhappyman That’s very idealistic (naive) thinking tbh. There is no guaranteed of getting a PR, plus you will be shortchanging yourself with the low salary for 2 years. What happens if your PR application is rejected? Future employers will look at your last drawn salary of SGD 3.6k and offer you maybe a bit higher - it will still likely be lower than USD 5k+

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