Would you leave your RM10+k job in KL for a $5.5k job in SG?

@antiteck No thanks. Not going to comment on the whether 10k MYR vs 5.5k SGD's practical value which most other comments have covered - but think about this:

In Malaysia, earning 10k makes you at least a senior to assistant manager level of employee (or even manager, depending on your company). In SG, fresh grads already earn 3-4k SGD. 5.5k is really a mid-level at best. I would want to be considered the same job level (or higher) when I make a job movement.

I am not going to short change myself to take a mid-level job and not having a significant enough increase in salary to justify:
  • hassle of relocating
  • getting used to a new working culture
  • more fast paced and arguably more kiasu environment
  • away from family (travel cost back to home is also another thing)
IMO 8k SGD is the minimum I would consider if I am earning RM10k.
@antiteck Too many cases of malaysian poached with lower tier salary compared to similar qualification / experience level as their locals ended up feeling discriminated and used as cheap labour
@johan_1988 Yeah this is what I’m hearing recently too. I’m learning that worse comes to worse, I should be asking for a min 80% figure amount to make the transition to SG.
@antiteck If I have no kids, I'd do it.

Considered the fact early on in my career. If you're good in what you do, you have the same opportunity for career advancement in Singapore, in fact, slightly better as you'll be exposed to more MNCs + international businesses.

However, if you have a chance to build a business in Malaysia, don't take the offer. In Singapore, you'll basically makan gaji the rest of your life because your support network there won't be as strong as it is in Malaysia. But if you're going to makan gaji for the rest of your life, makan gaji in a stronger currency please.

1 last thing, don't accept an offer for a local Sg company, but do consider seriously any offer from a MNC based in Singapore as opportunities for travel and advancement are better.
@antiteck For 5.5, nah. While it's like 2x your current salary, it's dollar-to-dollar unless you are willing to commute several hours to and from Johor assuming you rent a room or house/ condo. Lots of time wasted and eventually that'll take a toll on your mental being with little personal time before hitting the sack, just to save those extra bucks.

Like you mentioned, things in Singapore are (increasingly) expensive and it's best you nego for some relocation package or higher salary. It's quickly becoming the next Hong Kong with lots of expats moving there.
@antiteck Please do not take the currency exchange rate as a standard. It was never a standard to make you feel like you gonna make more money. This is a huge Downgrade to you while you can make 10k+ in Malaysia. If you really wanna challenge yourself, your paid range in Singapore should around 8k~10k. You need to check the paid range in each country for you role instead of just taking currency exchange rates as a standard. I explained this many time to my parents for times but still they treat me like a failure because I refuse to go Singapore but to take care of them, and I making 8k monthly in Malaysia. Beside insurance, car loan, daily expenses I still save 1/3 of money.
@antiteck I understand where you're coming from.. The 5.5k doesn't seem worth while.. Maybe you can try to nego? 7k would seem more reasonable as you would need to relocate.

But 5.5k, living in SG.. Probably you can save 2k a month if you budget yourself
@antiteck Numbers point to staying in kl at current offer. How much can you save/invest after expenses in both scenarios, if you're not getting significantly more after expenses, moving to Sg is a risk that might not pay off (just my take) .

But you can just negotiate with Sg company and aim for a number that will make the move worth while, aim for highest possible because if it doesn't work out, you can still stay in kl with very good pay. Nothing to lose and everything to gain from negotiating
@letters2words Thanks! Yeah I feel like it’s too risky. Savings one thing, I’m also considering unforeseen circumstances. What if I get into an accident and fall ill, if my parents suddenly get hospitalized and I want to rush fly home, i don’t have the same support system in SG and I feel that having more (a lot more) money helps me feel more secure.
@antiteck A colleague received a very similar offer some years back, decided to stay on, started his own business in Malaysia and is now doing remarkably well.

$5.5k is above the median salary in Singapore, but you’re right on rent — it’ll be the biggest drain on your income unless you’re okay with renting a room and living with others again. In the past year, many expats have been downgrading and even leaving because rents have increased by 60-100%.

You just need to decide if you’ll be okay sucking it up a bit, for a different experience, and hopefully one that progresses your career and gives you access to more regional and global exposure, or if the discomfort is too much, negotiate it upwards (this depends on your industry and also availability of others with similar qualifications and skillsets)or, now that your interest is piqued, look for other similar but higher paying roles.

Hard to give more pointed advice without knowing your industry and role (some things are less appreciated or more available than others).

All the best!
@antiteck It will be a downgrade in your lifestyle - especially living in a nice house / condo to HDB room and driving around in a car with strong a/c to taking the train/bus and this is good if Singapore has nice cold weather and short summer like Japan/Europe/North America but it is very hot and humid and super super crowded. If you can accept these 2 points, go for it. If not, it’s not worth it and it will disrupt your next job prospect if you were to move back to find your next job.
@antiteck Quality of life > money

The reason you want money is quality of life. If your health and quality in life drop then you're really not making more in terms of value for your time IMO.
@antiteck Cost of living in SG is crazy high. SGD$5.5K is nothing. I convinced an expat to move from SG to KL once because he was getting retrenched there. He was reluctant but decided to come and try it out. 6 months later he was thanking me because the cost of living was much lower, quality of life was much better and he could save more.
@antiteck My sibling was in similar boat. end up he took the offer.

you don't like to drive, which is perfect. their public transport is very efficient.

his rent is 750sgd for a room, chinatown, can use kitchen to cook light meal if needed. office nearby, so he jus walks to work. depends where u work, try to get a room within walking distance or few bus stops away.

lets say you make 5.5 - 750 rent - 1000 entertainment and food - 800 taxes - 50 transport

you have nett 2900sgd, which is close to rm10k.

you know whats the best part? career progression. if you are poached or hired by another SG company the following year, which is quite common, expect your pay to jump to 6-6.5k. Then your savings is about rm12-13k per month.

so, dont focus on what you can get in that first year. look beyond that.

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