Would you leave your RM10+k job in KL for a $5.5k job in SG?


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I’m going through a bit of a dilemma at the moment. I’m in my mid 30s and just got poached for a job in Singapore. Everything is exciting and to obviously a great way to advance my career. But after sleeping on it, the offer seems less and less attractive. Although the 5.5k SGD sounds great after converting, the cost of living there is too high and not at all comparable to my current lifestyle. Not too bothered about not owning or driving a car, actually I’ll be happier not driving (KL traffic is a non-sensical nightmare).

Rent is my worry. Singaporean rent prices are so astronomical. Anything under 2k SGD and you’ll only be looking at single or master bedrooms. With tenant rules that to me don’t sound reasonable (only allowed to cook Maggie in the kitchen for example 🤨). If you want a whole apartment to yourself, you’ll be looking around the price range of 3 to 4k SGD. and that’s most of my gross income already. There’s obviously the cost of everything else to factor in. I’m feeling like the offer would be more suitable for someone younger, who don’t mind toughing it out for a couple of years, then looking for a better offer. On the other hand, I’m worried about the frankly embarrassing performance of the current ringgit.

What do you think? I feel like I’m doing okay in KL, I could do much better to consider the move to SG. Or am I overestimating myself?
@antiteck I recently went thru the same dilemma and my conclusion was that (personally, for me) it is not worth moving to SG for less than 7k SGD salary. Things are expensive. Culture is fastpaced. I am not willing to suffer 100% more at work for 50% increased savings.

And after I factor in giving up my friends, family, car and convenience.. I decided not to go to Singapore at all lmao
@antiteck No regrets! I found another job in malaysia that pays me more and reduces my working hours. The SG company was a bit pissy that I turned them down after they offered a bit more + spent 1hr on the phone to convince me.. but oh well.

Some might say I am dumb to turn down Sibgapore career but I think there's more to life than slogging away for high position and $$$. As long as I have enough to be comfortable and healthy. No need for luxuries.
@antiteck I’m just a bit confused. On another sub you mention your offer being 8kSGD. Here, u mention 5.5k. So which is it? That’s a huge 2.5kSGD difference (and diverted to where exactly?)
@ant101 I would agree that from RM10k (+EPF), S$5.5k is too low. I think it will feel like going from above average in KL to below average in SG.

Our experience:

My partner moved from abt RM12k to S$7.5k, and while initially the rent did eat significantly into income, the cost of living otherwise in Singapore is much lower so he is able to save more. Taxes in Singapore are also lower.

Lifestyle quality does decline slightly, due to smaller house and no car. But we expect decent salary increments over the next few years, and yes the strengthening SGD vs MYR is also encouraging.
@ant101 Yes, there is an opportunity cost to everything. When looking for a new career, constantly consider what you are willing to give up in order to attain your goals.

There is no right or wrong, depend on personal financial goal and situation, some feel worth it and some might not think so. The real question are YOU ENJOY IT?

If not, then why proceed? am I right?
@ant101 Last I heard KL jam is also not worth driving car, public transport may still be better option. If one day SG traffic is as bad as KL/Bangkok, I’m pretty sure more ppl would rather give up driving and just take public transport.
@antiteck Huge downgrade my man.

You minus 1k for rent you get like 4.5kSGD and it’s like 12kMYR. Of course Malaysia tax eats you out for 1.2k MYR however you got your EPF to kinda cover the missing funds.

But remember. Singapore no car to drive around, all the mall are copy paste and finally, it has only 7 days public Holidays. You are going to be burnt out very fast lmaooooo and thinking this is shit if you actually take up the job.

Try 8k SGD instead
@tctruongson Singaporean here who's worked sometime both sides so offering some perspective from here too.

Housing wise, options available from 800-1000 but you're right that for this price point, the house you can get really cannot compare in terms of living conditions. You will get much more in a typical Malaysian home.

The flip side is Singapore 'no need' to drive (of course it's a big plus if that's your thing) and Grab prices here are INSANE. Any Malaysian first time seeing, be prepared for a MASSIVE shock. So yes probably need to get used to it. Pretty much public train or best is your new best friend so not recommended for those who LIKE to drive.

And you're right on malls too. It's really boring but flip side is every mall is pretty much 'functional' and you can feel safe that everything you need is pretty much available.

The PH, you don't really feel it to be honest unless blue-collar or operations related. Nobody really works at max capacity on working days if office job anyway. But yes pace of work is pretty different, a bit faster in general. But also dependent on firms, MNCs from Asia or EU, etc

In return I guess you're getting another country's experience and exposure, even if working for a short period. And not just saying cause I'm Singaporean, based on monetary policies on both sides, I feel the trend for currency between both is unlikely to reverse, so if intent is to bring back here (Malaysia) spend actually long term you'll also get raise fluctuations via Forex.
@westonnn Singaporean here and interested to try working in Malaysia for experience/exposure. But the pay is mainly the reason discouraging me. I don’t like Singapore’s fast pace of life. Waking up early to be stuck in trains and busses with no seats. It just isn’t how I envision my life to be. Definitely possible as I’m in IT, but for now i will just keep an eye out for any interesting offers.
Malaysia for experience

As for Malaysian working culture, each firm has their own time zone, they do have face pace like Singapore companies but the bulk are quite Medium to Low Pace, so we have more options on how to spend our lives rather than everyone fitting into One General Basket.

You only need time to find a wonderful deal from Malaysia. Keep looking, and I am confident you will succeed. My ex-manager from Singapore, who worked for small company, was reluctant to return to Singapore after 5 years in Malaysia.
@trexndoo As someone who's done it, strongly advise against haha. Just the no employer CPF part already makes it VERY difficult to get an offer that makes it worth it, from a Malaysian employer perspective. Plus, I guess mainly speaking for myself, probably for the average salaryman too, we're not special snowflakes; for an asking price that makes sense for you, they can easily get A TEAM of guys that are all cream of the crop from current Malaysian talent pool that haven't been part of brain drain.

It's a different story if say you were paid in SGD or USD, fully remote position, to rent both accoms + car and live in Malaysia, then that might make sense. Work culture, pace of life, food, everything is fantastic.
@tctruongson Thanks for this. I’ll aim higher. Toughest part for me. I always feel embarrassed to ask for more money. But everywhere I go, I feel like I’m being underpaid compared to the value I bring to my job.
@antiteck To be honest if you ask me, earning 10k in MY normally very hard to settle for less in SG. You will definitely feel shortchanged and less motivation to work for less in SG. Therefore less reason to go SG to work. I also came back and don’t intend to go back SG unless they can pay me 8-9k. That’s my limit and my impression of SG is really bad due to its No money no fun philosophy and work like dog.

Everything needs money in SG. Receiving phone call also needs money unless your postpaid waived off free incoming call. But if you pick up foreign phone number you die lmao.

If you can go Aussie better go Aussie instead
@tctruongson 4.5k SGD is alot more than 12k myr more like 15.5k myr but i agree with u the standard of living is wayy too high in SG but u can consider moving into JB and driving in every morning to go to work if u do so it dramatically lowers the cost of living and will definitely be more than 10k+ myr
@topazio Oh damn it’s 15k now. Me still living prior COVID lmaooooooo

Every morning driving in SG to work? Have you seen the jam outside the checkpoint? 💀 even motorbike need 1hr to go in.

I see people wake up 4 just to check into checkpoint and exit at 8 just to get out. Somemore at 5k SGD, you normally would want to apply for PR and therefore can’t ride your Malaysian bike into SG anymore unless you buy a SG bike and their expensive toilet paper(COE) 🤮

Anyway still really not worth it. If you working in SG, you gonna need look at the numbers. You will consume in SGD, instead of MYR. And trust me the number goes down fast
@tctruongson 5.5k - rent a house also 2.5k d. left 3k. makan and chill, another 1k gone. general spending another 1k, left 1k, pay taxes, put in some retirement savings, left nothing

malaysia - buy a small condo also 2k, left 8k, makan and chill msia more expensive, 2k gone, left 6k, general spending, another 2k, left 4k, pay taxes 1.5k, left 2.5k.

how is it like for like imo.

should look at net disposable savings at the end of it all, and 10k vs 5.5k is really no comparison.
@taylorjr94 This is the real truth right here. Not some advice people give like “just go aussie instead”. Moving to another country might resolve some of the issues but it also opens up a whole set of new ones.

My experience is only consider moving to sg if income is 6k or more. To me it is the minimum to be comfortable. Local sg here living with parents can get by easier with less. Sg gov takes care of their citizens very well.

Source: in sg since 2017.

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