Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

@penfire1 I'm going to be in a bidding war no matter what house I look at - Dublin market, my price range is low end for the areas I'm in. Not got a huge optimism for getting it, was looking for clarity here mainly for it the max price I'm going into this war with would leave me enough for the immediate repairs needed to make it liveable.
@sally1996 Yes but it's already a bidding war with three people who have actually made offers &(unless they are idiots) gotten surveys. Can u afford to pay 300-600 for full surveys each time? Maybe set some ground rules for urself(I got carried away on the first house I bid on & am so glad I didn't get it lol). Unless it was a discounted price or thru family, or u were in the construction trade,I wouldn't bid in properties in need of remedial work. Outdated decor/general updating or minor repairs is one thing but where works are required there will be delays and more costs & may impact mortgage approval. AIP is for straight forward purchases only, not for purchase & renovate. Good luck
@penfire1 Sorry, I've been assuming that everyone does the survey after sale agreed same as I was advised for doing. I wouldn't be doing the survey unless I won the bid, and I have a ceiling on what I would bid which is what the financials in my post were based on (I'm a very very conservative planner when it comes to money, no worries!) I'll have a chat with my mortgage advisor during our next meeting on what exactly is covered by the one we're negotiating. Thanks for the insight!
@sally1996 We have a mould problem but only in winter. I’ve found if you stay on top of it, it’s manageable. I have a small dehumidifier running day time in winter. There’s a cilit bang spray that you just spray, leave for 15 mins and wipe away.
Wallpaper removal painting is 3/4 days work. Carpet not sure but can’t imagine it’s more than £2k for most of a 3 bed house.

Edit as autocorrect and my tipsy brain made a balls of it
@cahoopa You’re an absolute legend for this comment, thanks! Never even been able to lift a paintbrush in my 10 years renting and google is only going so far to tell me how long and how much something costs. This has been proper helpful!
@jdsenn That's very cheap these days. I built my house last year and could not find a painter willing to do the house for less than 10K interior only excluding paint.

It's a larger house (2500sqft) and obviously the initial paint work means fixing a lot of plasterers issues but requires much less prep because the place is empty. But still a huge amount of money.

I did the exterior myself and paid about 12K all in for both including paint.
@karinamarie Ye we were shocked. Our house is about the same size as yours. It’s 3 floors so didn’t get the rooms at the top done because we don’t use them that much and it’s a new build so they’re grand for now, but still a great price for over 2/3 of the house considering the bottom floor is bigger than the other 2.

It cost more to get our old house painted and that was only 90sqm
@jdsenn Be careful if this person still has not finished the job. We got this chap who showed up when we were fair desperate to get someone in to do the job. He wanted like 2400 for the whole house. Then he started just slapping paint around the place on the first day, hadn't a clue what he was at, our builder told us he was concerned. We had a chat with him and he told us the job was bigger than he thought and he'd have to switch to a dayrate, which I worked out still would be alright. Then his days started at like midday and ended at 3pm. He was just doing random bits of rooms. Getting paint on fucking everything.

We sacked him after the third day when he brought another guy he also wanted us to start paying an equivalent day rate.

We learned our lesson.

Our builder apparently bumped into him at a supply shop and the "painter" wanted to start a fight with him for losing him a good scam.

We had to bite the bullet, delay some trades and eat a decent chunk. And ended up with paint on stuff that it'll never come off.
@sally1996 Nothing to stop you bidding.

The damp mould could be a problem. This is what a surveyor is for though. They should be able to tell you what the problem is. And what steps are needed to fix the problem.

The rest is just general home maintenance. You can live with for a while before replacing.

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