Would there be any interest in a PowerShell module for SelfWealth?

@aeb2000 I use it daily for work and it's the programming language that I'm most comfortable with. I could probably also do it in python if I wanted to but it was really just a proof of concept that snowballed.
@4lilcubs I kinda of had an unofficial API python library working with selfwealth

I haven’t released it yet due to a couple of factors:
  • selfwealth login doesn’t use a REST API system. I had to use selenium to drive the front end. This is required to get the JWT token. Everything else is REST API compliant though
  • the new selfwealth app is launching in feb/March, I strongly suspected that they will change some of the API interface. I am not investing any further time into this until the new app is launched
@4lilcubs Have you tested the tokens?

When I was looking at it, the api required x-xsrf-token as a header parameter that appears to only get generated if you load the webpage.
@woppy_71 That's one of the settings that I'm using from a config file at the moment. If it stays as it is, I would have instructions for people to grab their own and use it instead. The project was only intended to be personal, I honestly didn't think there would be much of a demand for a PowerShell interface. I'll see if I can do some more test over the weekend and see where I get to. I'm not a real programmer by any stretch of the imagination so it'll probably take me a bit.
@4lilcubs I would love to see how you do it so I can perform something similar using JS. I have gone through the browser and got an idea on how flow of cookies work but haven't put it into motion. Your PS code may be helpful to me to get an idea on how to do it.
@4lilcubs I am extremely interested in this. I was looking at replicating the login and the xsrf token to retrieve the cookies but didn't have enough skill and time to pull it off. I would love to see how you've done it.

Great work!

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