Would there be any interest in a PowerShell module for SelfWealth?


New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm a fairly new investor and wanted a way I could track my portfolio locally but couldn't find a simple and free way of doing that automatically.

I know some PowerShell and though I would just see what I could see and before I knew it I had a working module that I could use to:
There are a couple of other functions that I have started working on but aren't complete yet.

Would this be something other people could use? I know there was some interest a couple of months ago for a proper API. Even though this isn't a proper API, you can pull a decent amount of information. If there is a desire for it, I'll continue to work on and document it and I'll also tidy the code up a bit so that others can use it.

@arrow_24 Currently my module only reads information. If there was a large demand, I might be able to cobble something together but I would much prefer to keep it read only.
@4lilcubs I wanted to analyse the webpages myself to peep at the API calls, is this what you’re doing?

All I want is some automation so I can send money to the account, detect it’s above a threshold and buy whatever is undervalued in my portfolio.

No different to adding extra contributions to super.
@truthvsmedia Yeah, I'm just using the browser dev tools and then translating that to PowerShell and adding some formatting etc.

I think it would be possible to do what you're after. I already have the available cash balance as per the first screenshot. I also have the details of the portfolio so you would be able to look for percentage thresholds if that's what you're after. I have the information for trade history/outstanding trades so you could monitor for when they complete too. The only part I don't have is the post to execute the trades
@andywilliams I use it daily for work and it's the programming language that I'm most comfortable with. I could probably also do it in python if I wanted to but it was really just a proof of concept that snowballed.
@andywilliams I'm a sysadmin, not a programmer or I would probably use a real language like c lol. There seems to be some interest so I'll probably tidy up the code and write some doco then post it.

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