Would love feedback for 2023!

@maryatheseeker I’d say most people only call out an unusually high charitable giving when it’s grouped with heavy debt or way underfunding their own retirement. You are doing great on both fronts so feel free to free to donate as you wish. You are a better person than I am on that front!
@maryatheseeker It looks like y'all are doing great! Only thing I saw that seemed a little high is your phone budget. With so many unlimited plans out there for $20-30/month, spending $120 for two adults seems unnecessary. Look into prepaid plans offered by US Mobile, Mint, Visible, etc and you could shave $50-70 off your budget.
@phil4508 Thanks so much, yeah - great feedback! I debated a while on phone stuff. One small thing I like to splurge on is a nice phone with a good camera for my wife and I because we take so many pictures of our kids and I want to have the best quality I can without lugging around a full sized camera.

Wife and I were due for new phones and with the switch to usb C on iPhones I couldn’t resist (I love tech). Got a big discount and great trade in deal with a carrier so that $120 is the plan AND two brand new high end phones. Didn’t think about it but that is technically a debt since our phones are financed on the plan. That was the first time we have ever done that, we have always bout used phones with cash. Took me a while to swallow the idea of doing that but the numbers were too good.
@kitty123 Just my wife gets hers cut a couple times a year, I cut my own hair and have since college. We cut our kids’ hair. We watched some YouTube videos and have actually gotten pretty good!

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