Would I be an idiot to "upgrade" from my 2015 Fiesta ST to a cheap Chinese EV?


New member
I adore my Fiesta ST, however since moving to Pimpama and needing to commute to/from work on the disaster that is the M1, I find instead of having fun driving, I'm instead usually crawling through traffic. With my only commuting really being to work and around Pimpama, it makes me think an EV could suit me quite well since I never do any extraordinarily long commutes.

I did some quick calculations this morning based on the weekly $121 I have budgeted for all car related costs for my Fiesta ST ATM, and the projected costs (based on kWh usage from our last electric bill and online quotes for car repayments, insurance etc.) for a few cheap EVs.

In the next 3-4 years I would need a new car with rear doors for kids, but realistically I could keep my current car for another few years if I needed to.

@ritay You've done the figures yourself, looks like any of the EV options are going to cost you more - drive the Fiesta into the ground and upgrade into something bigger for the family in 4-5 years time like you suggested.
@jonahvime I think you're likely right and this was what I expected. Another commenter suggested putting the extra I'd be spending per week on an EV aside for 2-3 years and then upgrade to a new car then, which isn't a bad idea. I just hope the $6k QLD rebate will still be available then.
@ritay That's a wise idea. Putting that extra aside to reduce the cost of purchase.
I will mention that some states like ACT are doing no rego fees for two years and other incentives for EV adoption. That may reduce your EV costs.

That said, I am really enjoying my MG4 64 and don't regret trading in my Hybrid Corolla.

Perhaps buy a second hand one next year. The battery will still be good as new. A little bit of tyre wear.
@dphantom Not necessarily all of them are unsafe. The ATTO 3 has a five star ANCAP rating. Even the cheap and cheerful MG ZS EV got a five star rating when it was introduced on 2019, although it looks like that’s expired now so maybe a newer model hasn’t been retested.

I think a lot of EVs struggle on the resale value part. I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable shelling out for a 6 or 7 year old Tesla with a questionable battery.
@dpki8p Yeah, just an example of the usual brand biases. Chinese car companies are now probably where Korean car brands were 20 years ago. In 20 years from now maybe we will have Vietnamese or Indian brands take over that space while the Chinese graduate to become mature companies in this market.

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