Worried about physical exam


New member
I missed my chance to enroll in FEGLI option A and B with a qualifying life event and I am panicking. I now have the options of:
  • Don't increase life insurance beyond basic FEGLI
  • Get a physical and add option A and option B
  • Find other life insurance (which requires a physical)
  • Have another qualifying life event (not likely).
1 and 4 are basically out of the question. 2 and 3 both require a physical.

Hypothetically, would a technically-obese middle-aged man with stage 1 hypertension and mildly bad cholesterol numbers be denied coverage?
@nhope It really depends on the carrier. Missing out on the qualifying event is a bummer because many people who are not insurable with most or all companies can use this as an opportunity to get coverage. With what you’ve mentioned, I would recommend consulting a broker that can deal with higher risk clientele because there are companies that will take you. They may not be as favorable as you would like, but it is a way to get coverage as obesity and hypertension is a common reason many companies will deny somebody.
@shadowcat007 I was just filling out the application to WAEPA. Why do I need to apply before 11/5/21 though?

I had questions about how WAEPA compares to FEGLI also. I'm at work now and need some time to put questions together, but I basically want to see a side by side comparison of pricing and how the policy evolves over time compared to FEGLI.
@shadowcat007 Thank you so much.

I just finished the application. This should at least calm me down some, knowing there is my yearly salary plus $100k in death benefits in case something should happen. I'm almost halfway to the amount I wanted - I'll come back to WAEPA for the rest when my health is back on track.

I guess this is a great excuse to take my health off of the back burner and get to work on it.

Thanks again.
@nhope You applied via the link and not through the main page correct? Just want to make sure you're actually good to go. You're welcome though. Congrats on your son and make sure you take care of yourself so he has you in his life for a long time.

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