Willing to invest rm10k but not sure what to invest in

@orthodoxokie Quite frankly I havent touched anything below 5% for a while, and this includes FDs. Anything pops up in terms of options and the % is below 5%, I tune it out because I'm in the phase of life where if I'm investing its for retirement. And I'm talking about stuff that are viable options.

On the point of Touch N go, I looked into the "TnC" and this line stood out to me: "Any losses will not be covered by the Capital Market Compensation Fund". IIRC, FDs are guaranteed (hence, zero risks). Now the question here is whether or not you are comfortable with that risk for a 0.7% PA return. I'd advice you to read up more on the information provided, such as risk profile of the fund (Principle e-Cash) and so forth.


Which brings us to the conditions to answer your question really. Are you planning to spend the money sooner or later? If yes to sooner (less than 5 years), then FD is fine. IF later (more than 5 years, less than 15 years), then looking into ASB or similar options is cool too. If you dont mind the money disappearing for now and coming back to you in the form of at least RM57900 when you're 55 years of age, then throw it into EPF and forget it exists, because you're never seeing it until retirement (you can take money out from EPF to fund your first home later I suppose). Again, my prediction is that you'll be wanting to use the money within the next 5 years, and odds of this increases as you approach 30. Reasons include purchase of new car, new home, education fund, unexpected medical expenses, marriage, etc.
@orthodoxokie They have promo FD rates of about 3.85% - 4%, but max investment period is 6mo - 12mo. Then you’ll cycle the money over to another FD etc etc. there’s usually a minimum of 10k investment. Check out Hong leong bank for this.
@orthodoxokie 10k at 19 is a lot. Well done. Invest it wisely.

I'd buy AI related tech stocks and let it sit for years but don't listen to me I'm a dum2 on the internet.

or buy equipments and start a small online hustle idk.
@orthodoxokie Do online test and assess your risk profile. I'm highly risk averse, so my priority is EPF (I can put in as much as additional 60k a year) --> ASB --> RHB FD (best rates for FD among all the banks).

Robo-advisory apps (e.g. stashaway) is an option, but if you're gonna refresh every other day and complain about losing money better not.

Can also open a trading account and buy blue chip stocks (e.g. maybank)
@orthodoxokie While ur thinking about where to invest, park the money it into some high rate liquidity first like MMF, ASM, Rize savings account, definitely not FD because it locks up ur money

Then u can slowly plan ur portfolio
@orthodoxokie I truly understand that you would want to avoid crypto due to high volatility. But please, learn it and understand that it is a technology instead of just an investment. You will truly see that it has value in the future.

But, dont put your money in 1 investment. Diversify.
@schalene I think I phrased my sentence wrong, but I wouldn’t put my entire savings in crypto if that make sense. But I would like to hear a recommendation of which crypto to invest so I could research and this would help me to start out easily.
@orthodoxokie I would suggest Bitcoin & Ethereum. Although I heavily invest in other crypto currencies too, but it is wise you start with the 2 mains and learn the difference. Also, you would learn that the technology will benefit many people in the future. By the way, the world is only less than 5% who uses crypto! Dont afraid to take risks my friend as we are still young 😂

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