Will you get the $2000/m for 4 months as announced by the PM today?

@martex People who just applied to EI in the last couple weeks and are going to bring in less tan $2K are essentially getting screwed by this? The way I read the press release is you would apply under this program even if you are qualified for EI, you can later go on EI after the four months runs out.
@hopeco Honestly, it i sconfusing that way. When I saw the press release, I also understood it as the way you did, that it would go to anyone with interrupted income. But based on the legislation, it looks like you cannot get this if on EI. It is certainlybunfair cause in that case, part time students or casual workers who stopped gerting shifts and 55% of income could be much less than 2k would get more than some on regular EI.
@martex The press release states if you are already receiving or applied for EI you continue down that road and don't do this CERP thing, so if you made 30K last year your not getting 2K a month. I don't see anywhere that the 2K is tiered based on your income, from what I am gathering basically if you made $5K for all of last year you get $2K/month which works out to be $8K. I am also not sure how this works for self-employment income where depreciation is factored in and your income drops below $5K as a result.
@hopeco JT said

If you’ve lost your job because of COVID 19, whether you are full time, contract, or self employed, this new benefit will be there for you. If you are sick or quarantined, looking after someone sick, or at home taking care of your kids, it’s there for you. And even if you are still employed, but not receiving income because of this crisis, the CERB is there for you.

I didn't watch the full version so maybe I missed the details after that, but this is confusing. It might be easier just to give it to anyone who applies and deduct taxes off later on.
@martex That's what it sounds like they will do, because it also says you can look at your last 12 months of income from the date of application - not sure how you prove that you make 5k in that scenario.

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