Will a HPV positive but nothing to worry about diagnosis change my life insurance premium?


New member
I’m just about to take out life insurance and mortgage protection but I’ve learnt my last smear came back pos for HPV and I just have to go back for another smear in a year. Nothing to worry about. Will this affect my premium? It’s currently quoted at £17/month. Thanks.
@llarryweaver Umm I am pretty sure everybody has HPV. That's why they don't vaccinate after a certain age or if you have had a sex partner. Most people won't get warts and it usually stays in your system for up to 2 years. Tried to get vaccinated many years ago and they said no because at my age I've already been exposed and possibly infected to it. Never been tested for it or had warts.

So I wouldn't worry about it, as far as life insurance goes. Now as far as cancer goes you should get it checked out. Cancer will definitely raise your premium or even prevent you from getting life insurance. I had a client that applied for life insurance and they had cancer like 10 years earlier it was an automatic denial.
@existia Thanks for your reply. I had a cervical screen done and it came back negative for abnormal cells (ie cancerous cells), just HPV pos. I know HPV can lead to cancer which is why I was worried they might think I’m at a higher risk of getting cancer but if almost everyone gets HPV, they wouldn’t, right?
@llarryweaver Probably not. They do look at medical records but I can't see them raising your premium. The main things they look for as far as medical record history are cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, H.I.V and heart disease. There are other things but I have never heard of HPV being a factor. I am pretty sure the doctor didn't make a big deal out of it once it was found out that it wasn't cancerous right?
@existia Nope, they just sent a letter saying no abnormal cells found but tested positive for HPV so please come back in a year or so for another screen. There’s nothing else on that list that I have to worry about. I have an old recurring knee injury but nothing that’ll take me out of work or kill me lol.
@llarryweaver As long as you don't have any traffic tickets or felonies you should be good to go. I had a traffic ticket (reckless driving) and it raised my insurance premium %1000! So I didn't get it.
@llarryweaver Nice!!! Maybe I should go to the U.K. to get a policy because over here (U.S.A) it's always one thing after another for why I don't get a good rating for life insurance and none of it has to do with my actual health!

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