Why Lockheed Martin (LMT) Might Be a Smart Investment Right Now

@goodmore If you're hearing about these contracts from a source that isn't internal to LMT then it's priced in. There was an article somewhere last month saying something like $600MM of defense stocks were purchased by investors due to the rise of conflicts globally.

Not to be mean, but by no means are you getting to this party earlier than anyone else. You may get some slow growth out of the stock, but it's far from a sure thing.
@lauria True! This is especially the case with stocks that are heavily dependent on government funding.

Could this be the reason LMT is boring right now compared to Boeing?

Both companies are major players in the aerospace industry, but LMT relies on government contracts for revenue, while Boeing has revenue from commercial aircraft in addition to its defense contracts. Could this make LMT more prone to insider trading, making it less reactive to the news?
@goodmore I am by no means an expert in this, but I would definitely agree with your thesis that Boeing's exposure to a larger customer base makes its stock much more volatile.
@goodmore $175M F-35 contract is nothing. Peanuts in the DOD world. Look at the Secretary of Defense daily contract website and you’ll notice Lockheed will win 1-2 of these contracts weekly. And the F-35 program is only one weapon system LM sustains …
@iu6 Yeah, I'm just now getting into investing so it's kinda weird for me to be rooting for a strong economy, but hoping for more profits for defense contractors is just a bridge too far for me.
@richey Lmao I can see what you’re saying, I’ll write things a little differently the next time I have something to post about. It’s actually my first post though, I usually stay in the comments section, so I’m happy about the responses I’m getting!

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