Why is my neighbour asking me for photos after insurance claim on fiancées car has been completed?


New member
Am I just being suspicious?

Our neighbour backed into my partners van whilst reversing off a shared bit of ground that we both park on.

She came over and told us she’d done it. My fiance was very nice to her and understands that these things happens.

My fiance offered to contact somebody that he knows on a professional/personal basis as he used to work in the automotive industry and knows people who he trusts to do a good job on bodywork, but who are also used for insurance companies and so would give a fair price to sort everything out privately for both vehicles.

The damage was very minor. However, it had gone deep enough to have removed paint and possibly in the long-term create rust on our vehicle which my partner who is an ex mechanic. Didn’t want to take the risk with having to deal with at our own cost.

The quote from fiancés professional buddy was £350. My partner sent the quote to the neighbour and offered this as a resolution but the neighbour decided to go through the insurance. FYI we are in England

The neighbour had tried to contact me a few times regarding the situation and I had to refer her over to my partner as it’s in his name and it’s his vehicle and insurance, so from a llegal perspective it’s not really anything to do with me.

She’s been weird with me these last few months, I would say most definitely avoiding any eye contact. Although this is done in a strange way to make it look as if she’s not avoiding me. For example, she actually sidestepped out of her car and walked very fast into her house while staring at her shoes one day Whilst I stood at my gate waiting for her to pass so I could let the dogs out the car, usually we’d say hi, and we chat but she’s been very weird/avoidant.

This evening, she messaged me on Facebook, asking for “copies of the pictures of your car from when she drove into it.”
It’s not my car, its my partners van surely she would have these details on the insurance claim information that would have been sent to her over the last few months via her/his insurance.

My worry and concern, although I may be being paranoid is what could she be up to?

Sure, I am a named driver on the vehicle and now have it most days to drive to work etc, and my other half now works out of town Monday to Friday so I’m home alone with the van.

I checked in with my partner. He said that things have finally been sorted out via the insurance companies. Her insurance didn’t want to pay, so our insurance had to make a claim against hers. He’s assuming her insurance costs have skyrocketed .

But why would she be contacting me via Facebook when she’s completely ignored me for the last few months and avoided any eye contact, in order to ask me for “copies of the photos of when she drove into my car?”
@jm914 It might be wise to advise her to contact her insurance company, and they will contact yours, which will contact you for them, if you have not already given them over. I have to imagine you did if it's been several months.
The general rule with litigation is that once it goes out of private hands, the opposing parties don't deal with one another except through insurance/lawyers for anything in the claims going forward.

I am in Canada, this may or may not be accurate where you live, but it might give you an idea of what questions to ask, or cautions to take before you get a chance talk to your agent.
@freddyfreddo Thanks, I also thought similar.
Just seems strange that’s she has
Tried to contact me on a few occasions via Facebook, she’s a particular person. And it makes me wonder why the message is written in a way to suggest it’s my car… also the assumption that I’ve got copies Of photos.
I’m not actually sure why or what she needs them for and what photos,
Of her car or ours? It’s all a bit open

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