Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

While this is all true its important to explain why because it makes sense intuitively that more money in the economy equals inflation,

I would say that it makes sense intuitively that more money equals money being worth less. Whether inflation describes that loss of value depends on how you define inflation and how you choose to measure it.
@curiousspring Would societies that suffered detrimental effects from excessive money printing have made all your same arguments? One hallmark of all debasement seems to be denial. It seems to follow Kubler Ross’ stages of grief and your post is one of the stages. Those stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Anger is the next stage when people realize what has happened.


Also your data seems to be largely based on data from quite some time ago. It is only in the most recent years that money printing has gone straight vertical in unprecedented ways and is most concerning. We have 3x the M2 money supply since 2008. That is absurd. In the last two five years we went up 8 trillion dollars. From the beginning of time to 2008 was the first 8 trillion dollars. I believe there is no way to overestimate how disastrous this is and even the most rabid goldbug or Bitcoiner is still underestimating the effects this will have. The human brain doesn’t deal well with large numbers like this.


EDIT: I notice that I made an error reading the graph and I apologize, I was on mobile. I have corrected the information above. What'a few trillion between friends?

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