Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

@poppy14 That may be true for buying a house, but the barrier for entry into the stock market is still low. People can also buy into real estate ETFs to get exposure to that sector.
@adrian77 The house is only worth $150k, the land it sits on is the other 7.85MM. As real asset values go up the scaling for a detach and townhome is not the same as scaling for an apartment or condominium high rise. Vast majority of people will be living in high density housing, because that's what they can afford, this is not different from the rest of the world.
@teacher2002 That's only if high density gets built. In CA, it is largely not getting built. In spite of how unaffordable everything is, local governments insist on single family homes.
@j10 At some point society needs to recognize a population limit. Should it be after a city is packed with all high rise buildings, or can it be when a city still looks nice with single family homes?
@dee100 Have you ever lived in an apartment, in particular a lower income one? It is akin to a Judge Dredd dystopia often times, but without the Law.

Source: used to be poor. I will move heaven and earth before I ever live in MF housing again.
@vnct0000 I mean, it depends on the situation.

Given an equivalent size, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, other amenities, and price, I'd pick an apartment over a house any day.

When you change that factor such that the house is less expensive but still has the same everything else then of course I'd probably pick the house, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer the apartment just that price is a more important factor to me.
@resjudicata Lol mf housing is not bad it's called location, you can buy a mansion in mid US but why don't most people go?
mf housing is nice it promotee mass transit that works
@mrscott1026 In the U.S. we are no where near any kind of realistic density limit. There is no city in this country that can't have more housing added by building up instead of building out. More transportation options can be added as well. Not just rail but buses, affordances for biking, etc. I say this as someone who lives in one of the denser parts of NYC.

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