Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

Gradual declines lead to an eventual bad day. There’s no way USA is turning over the keys to being a super power. Not without a fight…
Ridiculous take, frankly. That's like saying 'the Roman empire will never give up the keys to being a superpower to the barbarians'. There won't be a choice. By the time it's evident it has happened, it will be too late.
@andrewsmith By what metric are you measuring this?

If it’s technology then yes of course an ancient super power doesn’t compare.

If it’s land occupied and conquered then it’s not even close; if it’s length of dynasty again not even close; if it’s cultural domination I would measure that as a tie.

Neither defeated Afghanistan but if you measure by wars won, no contest again.

But if your measurement is blind nationalism, sorry to say the Romans invented that game too.
@sam0097 By influence on the world as a whole. Rome didn’t have military supremacy over all their neighbors, let alone 90% of the world. As well as not having complete control of the world money supply
let alone 90% of the world.

Does the US have "supremacy" over any nuclear armed country ?

The US doesn't have control over the world money supply, but only prints the reserve currency of choice. That status could change quite easily since there are many countries who are happy to trade in Euro or Renminbi.
@resjudicata Do the rich make up the majority of the military? Who will be the ones fighting here, and for what? World wars are fought by proxy now, won't be surprised one bit if China's 2049 plan works out.
@serjo Heh, there’s not exactly a lot of inspiring criminal syndicates out there to partner with tbh. But eh, Russia has statecraft and espionage going for them and their “hacking” expertise.
@resjudicata History shows that calamities people have thought won’t happen to entities because they’re assumed to be too big, too powerful, too important, etc, happen. The universe and chance don’t care about our human affairs and hubris.

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