Whole Life + CI complemented with Term + Accident benefits + HMO


New member
Hi! Saw this subreddit and thought this place is more appropriate. As I've mentioned in the other subreddit (investing), I've recently finished completing my EF and on the road to insurance.

From the helpful responses, I've deduced that:

  1. Whole life with CI benefits are good
  2. Additional term is okay
  3. Plus an HMO for emergencies is also recommended

Question: I was worried when I thought that there is no Accident or Disablement benefits on the whole life plans (ACP 100).

Would getting an additional term (#2) with specific Accident and Disablement benefits be the solution for this?

Background: I'm the breadwinner, my passive or net income can't shoulder yet my insurance and based on the flowchart, I need an HMO and BTID.

Thank you for the responses!

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