Who makes the policies for insurance companies?


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I'm gonna try to keep this short.

I recently applied for life insurance and I've had it before but this time I am a pretty heavy marijuana user. It's legal where I am and I use it for a variety of medical stuff sleep being the major one and I don't have a medical card. Well they turned me down because I smoke to much. They say I need to smoke about 0.5 g a day but my intake is about 1-1.5 g a day. That being said can anyone tell me where to inquire about this? Is this company specific?

I must say it baffles my mind that no one cares how much alcohol I drink or many cigarettes I smoke but weed is a problem. I feel like I'm in a horrible skit from sesame street "One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong"

If anyone has any info on where I can inquire about these policies? TIA
@anointedfeet I can tell you that they definitely care about alcohol and tobacco use. Bottom line is, you smoke too much and you’re too high of a risk for early death. It really is as simple as that.

What exactly are you trying to inquire about? It is not company specific. Sure some companies might be more lenient than others but they will all factor marijuana use into their decision.

To your question of who makes policies for insurance companies? The insurance companies do. If there’s a more specific question in there break that down for us.
@gigiloveslife Oh I see. I didn't mean they don't care I am sure I worded myself wrong there. I meant no one is asking me how many drinks I have a day or how many cigarettes I smoke.... both of which will kill you. I was just wondering if there is.... forgive my layman terms here.... a grand puma that decides everything for all companies or if the companies themselves make the policies. I don't really care too much I've already cut back and they said they will retest me in 6 weeks no issues. I just don't understand why I don't get rated for alcohol but I do for weed. Its just one of those things that's been in my head since they told me. Thank you for responding
@anointedfeet If you were to ever be treated for alcohol use, your doctor told you to cut back, or had a DUI then they would get more specific on the alcohol usage questions and you would get rated. For DUI, they would probably add on an exclusion also. The marijuana usage is a question of its own because many people smoke weed but not cigarettes. Even if you smoked less weed you would at the very least get the smoker ratings.
@aklil I don't drink like that but I do drink from time to time.... Like twice a month.... I am a smoker (trying to quit though) I just kind of figured it would fall under the smoking rating which I already was prepared for cause I smoke lol I guess I just don't see how it's not a blanket policy for all companies at this point and I was wondering why that was. I'm in Canada so its not like the states where it varies on the legalities depending on location it just is what it is here.
@anointedfeet Past of alcoholism/ number of cigarettes one smokes/ smoking history are questions they ask and take into consideration as well. You’re not being victimized.
@anointedfeet Hi, Canadian life insurance agent here. You got screwed. Whoever put your application in didn’t know what they were doing. Unfortunately now as you’ll have a record on the Medical Information Bureau even the company’s that wouldn’t have asked for specifics will.

Depending on the specifics of your case it can still be put forth but with that degree of marijuana use there is the presumption of an underlying condition. Also type, strength, manner of consumption and how long you have been using it can affect the rating. Finally I’d suggest throwing out a wide net - you don’t want to apply with numerous insurance companies but you do want your case shipped to different reinsurers.

Good luck!
@anointedfeet It's not federally legal and they don't care about that as much as they do about lifestyle. Never have I had a carrier ask the amount consumed. The frequency though is asked. Daily consumption is a decline everywhere I know of. So if you said daily use then you're out of luck.

If you did have a medical card the reason for the card would be a factor as well. If you consume 2-3 times a week there are a number of carriers who are favorable.

By the way they do ask about number of drinks consumed and do have liver functions tests that will detect high alcohol consumption over a long period of time.

Find someone experienced that wants to help. The issue you face is if you were declined there will be some info on MIB which will come up with another application. You will then have to answer why you were declined.
@anointedfeet Each company will have their own underwriting guidelines. And yes they are company specific. Companies are going to classify Marijuana use differently. Focus on companies that offer a more preferred rating. They will ask how frequent the usage.
@anointedfeet Hey WillingnessSmooth284, I am a USA Insurance Agent, I agree with the comments TeddFundy made, it really comes down to risk. That being said, I am an independent broker and would be happy to help you look at some options, as was mentioned sometimes it comes down to working with an experienced agent who knows how to help you shop the market. What State are you in? If you are interested in connecting feel free to pm me.
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Typically the underwriting agent will be the one who may retain your email address long term and follow up with you as needed in the future unless you tell them otherwise, even than you may never hear from them again if you don't do business with them.

If you don't end up putting a policy inforce with a specific company they shouldn't send you additional emails. If you apply they may send you reminders to sign/pay a approved policy until the policy is too old and requires a re-issue application, this is typically 60 days after you are approved.

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