Who is buying T-Bills for their Emergency Fund?

@angeliq4 Good point. I’ve always just bought them direct.

(EDIT: Just found out you cannot automatically reinvest at Vanguard like you can at Treasury Direct...deal killer for me. I'll stick with TD)

I guess my bigger point is why not T-bills? I see so many recommendations for high yield savings, but it doesn’t offer the returns of T-bills and the flexibility isn’t really needed if you can get your money in no more than 28 days via T-bills.
@jane_doe I have about $30K laddered into 4-week T-bills (one quarter every week for four weeks), all on auto-reinvest. Every week, the interest drops into my bank account, and when it hits a couple hundred I put that into the ladder as well. When I hit the two-year auto-reinvest deadline (coming up pretty soon now), I’ll just restart the ladder, assuming rates hold.

As for the website: Once you get your account set up and linked to a bank account, the worst thing about the TD website is the proliferation of jargon. If you’re not familiar with the terminology, it can be a bit offputting.

It’s otherwise just a bog-standard website design from the early 2000s. Lots of radio buttons, font is kinda small, “submit” buttons, whatevs 🤷‍♀️. It’s nothing that should cause one to consider self-harm—it’s just a less-than-modern UX.
@jane_doe I have a TreasuryDirect account - absolutely hate the interface. I’d rather eat glass than work with it.

… and for the record … I’ve been on the WWW since Netscape Navigator. I’ve seen a lot of sites. TreasuryDirect is easily one of the worst sites ive had to work with.
@angeliq4 Hey, can you clarify buying T-bills at Fidelity? I have a Fidelity account. Can I sign up for auctions without paying a commission to Fidelity? I'm surprised to hear Fidelity can do for me what my Treasury Direct account does.


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