White collar workers, do you think that it’s your fault if you don’t get a REM rate raise?

@lme There's quite a lot of ongoing research into this, which boils down to 'its complicated', but one of the key things that's been reported widely over the years is that women are often viewed as greedy/pushy in the workplace for acting in ways that are read as assertive/positive when they come from men. Asking doesn't always mean getting, and sometimes it means 'getting in shit'.

This stereotype appears to be breaking down in younger cohorts and more progressive workplaces, but progress isn't linear. I think the prospect of potential blowback still acts as a dampener on a lot of women when it comes time to negotiate. I think I've been lucky enough to escape it so far, but its definitely in the back of my mind around review time :/
@lme Absolutely the case. In my office, WCW and it’s not a gender issue, it affects both male and female, we have pay disparities solely down to to fact some have stood up for themselves and some haven’t. Some take the annual inflation increase and others push back, sell themselves and even look for other offers. Should you have to? I can’t answer that. Is it awkward, absolutely. But if you don’t ask you don’t get.
@lme Just checking, what do people here think of higher wages?
Assuming people will spend less and less as things become more expensive, businesses won't be able to sustain these high salaries right?

Which mean the people with high salaries would be on the chopping block? Won't happen immediately but after a certain point of time.

Something does not make sense.
@_dave_ In a recession people with expendable skills are generally on the line as staff are cut. Typically if you earn good wages you are viewed as more critical to the company.. because why else are they paying you good money to keep you prior to the recession.

The difference being is if entire departments are closed down. No longer need the crypto side of the business? All crypto employees are made redundant despite you being the best crypto boss in the country. Your skills can hopefully be taken elsewhere if you’re that good tho

(Used crypto as a really weird example, but you get the drift)

I earn .. good wages. If I got made redundant tomorrow I would simply polish up my CV and go looking elsewhere. I feel like I earn good wages because I’m good at what I do. This means I would expect the company to want to keep me over someone else who’s not as good at doing the same thing and my wages likely reflect that.

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