Which Rakuten funds are best for NISA?

Why would Rakuten compete against themselves?

Rakuten doesn't operate the eMAXIS funds. The eMAXIS funds are operated by MUFJ Asset Management. Rakuten Securities just facilitates the purchase/sale of shares in the funds, in their role as a securities brokerage.

The "new" funds referenced above are operated by Rakuten Asset Management (not Rakuten Securities). Rakuten Securities is a brokerage, so they will facilitate the purchase/sale of hundreds of funds operated by a variety of asset management companies, but the Rakuten group as a whole will obviously make more money if you use Rakuten Securities to buy funds operated by Rakuten Asset Management than if you use Rakuten Securities to buy funds operated by MUFJ Asset Management.
@jaybee66 You would have to do a lot of research to work that out for yourself. All I will say is that the idea behind the funds is that they are supposed to be equally safe and effective. Whether Rakuten Asset Management is as safe as MUFJ Asset Management is not something I'm going to speculate about.

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