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Which NASDAQ ETF would you pick in Europe? It should be accumulating because of tax reasons.

1. LYMS - lowest TER (0,22 pa), middle size (2259 M), cheap price, swap-based (could be an issue?), Amundi not so reputable?

2. EQQQ - middle TER (0,3% pa), smallest size (1862 M), full replication

3. SXRV - biggest TER (0,33 pa), biggest size (11,530 M), expensive price, BlackRock’s reputation, full replication

Thanks for help.
@ella72 Take XNAS also into consideration. It's a couple of years old so small but growing (currently a bit over 0.5B), reputable provider, 0.2% TER and full replication.
@ella72 I went for LYMS. Though I am not aware of the dividends paid by the companies in the NASDAQ 100, the logic is the same as for using swaps for S&P ETFs.
@ella72 That Amundi ETF was formerly Lyxor ETF, they are pretty reputable and have a ton of different ETFs. It will outperform the other two since it is synthetic (+lower TER). I am not fully sure about the downsides of synthetic ETFs tbh, but I don't think it's a major risk. I guess it's up to you if you want to take a very small risk to get better results
@ella72 Why choose an Nasdaq etf. If from Europe can can directly invest into the Nasdaq itself? Which now stands at $55,70 or €52,00 a share.
@hwell5 It's the equivalent of an ISA in the UK. You can have up to 150k in there but you cannot take out the money for at least 5 years. After that whenever you want with half CGT.


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