Whether one should have a credit card or not?

@blueblood You can but only after you open a savings account with Axis first. I tried doing what you described but that just wasted a month. The incompetent branch employees told me it's possible without a bank account, but then made me open one eventually. I speak from (harrowing) experience.
@blueblood That sounds like a solid idea. Just make sure the employees understand what you're trying to do before opening the account.

One branch I visited straight up refused to look into it, while the other was overconfident that a FD-linked CC doesn't need a savings account.

Oh also, you can only get the Flipkart and MyZone cards on FD.
  1. is it possible to later close the account?
  2. is there fixed period after which the lien is removed or does it depend on bank?
  3. 80% fd limit provided by axis?
  4. axis asap acc okay or full fledged saving only?

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