Where to go from here?


New member
I 26(F) just recently started trying to save up after getting a new job and want to start planning for my future. Advice on where to park my money (funds, accounts, or any suggestions) would be much appreciated! Right now, I have:

Employment Income:
Job 1 (main job): $45/hr x ~28.5 hrs/wk x 48 wks/yr = ~$61,560/yr
Job 2 (W2 side job): $18.25/hr x 7-28 hrs/month x 12 mo/yr = ~$1,533-$6,132/yr

Student Loan 1: $5,809.63 @ 3.510%
Student Loan 2: $1,374.64 @ 4.200% for a total balance of $7,184.27

Bank Accounts:
Checking 1 (BoA): $1,550 (min $1,500 to avoid fees)
Checking 2 (local bank): $1,736.51
Savings (local bank): $500
Cash: $1,000

~$1,073 current value spread out mostly in BTC, MSFT, DIS, CMG, PYPL, AAPL, COST, NVDA from when I first started trying to invest a few years ago (I put in $760)

Brokerage (“Savings”): Total of $236.66
FXAIX $186.60
FZROX $49.99
SPAXX $0.07

Brokerage (“Checking”) which I was planning to use as an overdraft account for Fidelity’s CMA:
FXAIX $21.95

CMA $0

HSA $0 - my employer hasn’t gotten back to me about depositing straight from my paycheck/DD

Roth IRA (current values)
FXAIX $709.84
FZILX $149.99
FXNAX $150.00
FTIHX $300.87
FZROX $1,706.05
CD @ 5.55% (matures end of Nov) $1,003.69
Total Account Value: $4,070.84

I’m going to try to max my 2023 contributions in the next two weeks for my Roth IRA.

I don’t have a 401K currently but hoping to start contributing to one around May/June of this year once I hit the 1 year mark at my main job.

Yearly Expenses:
~$250 for work stuff
~$200 for health stuff
~$300-500 for retail therapy/impulse purchases (trying to stop/cut back on this)

Monthly Expenses:
$3.02 (iCloud)
$2.99 (Game)
$120-$330 (Massage Therapy/Chiropractor)
$80-$100 (Gas)
$170 (Health Insurance - deducted from paycheck)
$280-$400 (Food)
$250 (Auto Pay - Student Loans)
$70 (Cat Care)

Whenever I can pay with my Best Buy Visa Credit Card (food, gas, shopping, etc) I do so and pay off in full monthly. My credit score is high 700s.

Misc Expenses/Personal Loans
~$30,000 to my parents for phone bills, car, etc that they’ve helped me with over the years (they are not asking me to pay them back or in need of the money and would rather me catch up on investing, but I would like to pay them back eventually)

Thanks for reading if you made it this far!
@eerrr1 The fact that you are this detailed about your financial situation tells me that you are well on your way. Keep working toward maxing your retirement accounts. You can probably pay off your debt over the next two years.

Start putting concrete numbers to your short and long-term goals and that will help you decide which accounts/funds they should be invested in.
@argon Thank you! I was super aggressive when I first started this job and paid off two student loans already. At the start I owed about 23k on them. Around the halfway point I started splitting my extra money between the loans and retirement planning trying to catch up to the max for 2023.

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