Where can I invest 50k that will pay me monthly

@niceguy4jesus Looking at the chart, HMAX price has lost 14% in the past year. So if it paid 13% a year, then you're still losing money, even worse than just holding cash and bleeding to inflation. Better to put it in something like CASH.TO and just withdraw money when you need it.

Dividends are not free money.
@peacenothate Looking at the chart, HMAX price has lost 14% in the past year. So if it paid 13% a year, then you're still losing money, even worse than just holding cash and bleeding to inflation. Better to put it in something like CASH.TO and just withdraw money when you need it.
@peacenothate Dude, losing money is bad in retirement just as it is at any age. CASH.TO is just better in every way. Dividends are NOT free money.

Losing 1% a year is worse than gaining the reliable interest of a HISA ETF. It's really not that complicated.
@sfender I think you are missing the whole point here. You'll need to eventually use that money because of the obvious reason, old age.

Take this scenario for example:

I'm 60 years old and I have a 100K put in HMAX, that would pay me out about $13k + a year and is enough to cover my expenses if I have to live in a low cost of living area, like in Asia for example. Now, I know that dividends investment loses money overtime, but even if that reduces to half in like 20 years its still money well spent because it pays you for 20 years. Who knows if I'm still alive by that time.

Compare that to CASH.TO where you only get 5%, which is just 5K a year and is definitely not enough to cover the day to day expenses. Thats not even taking into account inflation.

Its not about losing money, its just about playing it right depending on your situation. So, pick your poison.
@alinta When the QQQ is at an all time high with a hawkish Fed looking at an out of control equity market ?

Terrible idea right now - but not terrible after a 15 - 20 % scalp off these levels
@choosethisday If they’re 58 they’re only 2 years off the mark, let’s not pretend that millennials or gen z will face the same first world problems.

Edit: Blocking someone to make it seem like the other person didn’t have a response doesn’t mean you won. Sorry @hott4tiff
@katrad2011 Ha! One incorrect post followed up with a preposterous comment. The purpose of this sub is to discuss topics like this. Not all boomers have financial security or any money to invest. Many younger generations will have e money to invest. So let’s stop speaking in foolish absolutes on a sub about financial advice. Good bye.

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