When you have no food money after paying rent and you find an extra 1.80$ in change in your pockets

@andreythegreat If you really have no food, look up Hare Krishna's (you can always have dinner with them) or other religions like Christians they have people who can help you. You don't have to convert to that religion, but it's always nice to meet people and it will suprise you how many people have lived/live the same life.
@samreid Will check it out. I have some food, but for less days than I need until I get paid again. Mind you I have money, but they are untouchable, I need them for rent. But I will also try to stretch the food I have. Something I do in such times is bake pizza dough to use like bread because it's the easiest to make as long as I have flour left.
@resjudicata +1 can confirm! Sikh Temples have a kitchen in which all temple goers and visitors eat. They never ask for money, and the religion discourages trying to convert people.
@marco56 Yup. Every gurdwara (temple) has a langar) (community kitchen) which can provide a tasty vegetarian meal (and if anyone knows how to do tasty vegetarian food, it's the South Asians), no matter your walk of life or what you believe in. Selfless service to others is central to Sikhism, afaik.

I still remember when local Sikhs hosted this anti-racism rally for their community in my province, a couple years ago, after hate literature had been distributed to some local homes. The videos give you an idea of how the community kitchen/meal works: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/abbotsford-rally-kkk-propoganda-1.3947572
@mmw0139 I want to confirm that it varies. Traditionally it's once a day but in my city, which only has 1 gurdwara, they do it only once a week. Best to check in with your nearest one(s) to see how often they do it.
@andreythegreat I've been in your shoes, I know it's stressful. I still make my own pizza and pasta sauce it's really cheap to make yourself and you can do a lot with tomato paste, broth, butter, onions... Things like that. If you have leftovers you can put them in a oven dish and put eggs (and if you have cheese) through it to make a frittata. You can also make pita's.
@samreid I do that too. My improvise tomato sauce is tomato paste, chopped onion sautéed in butter or olive oil, garlic salt, basil, oregano, black pepper and a pinch of sugar(goes well because of the acidity of the tomatoes) and its pretty good result. And I'm usually a pretty good cook if I may say so myself.

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