Whats the best way to invest 10K Euros?

@abdullahtawhid No one has asked you what your investment horizon is and you havent't shared it. The answer for 1 year is very different to the answer for 10 years. So, until you tell us that, then you don't have an answer.

But if it is long term tho (5 years plus), there is one easy answer. There is a reason VWCE and chill has become a meme. Forget trying to second guess the allocation into gold. This is arbitrary and pointless. And be clear about BTC, ir is gambling, not investing. For all anyone knows, the long term price of BTC could be near zero, or actually zero. And there is no rational reason to overweight tech stocks.

And if it is long term then there is also no reason to spread out your entry into VWCE (or any investment). Buy in as quickly as practically possile. All research shows, that for an existing lump sum, this results in the best outcome. Every week you are not in is a week of lost returns.

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