What would be your dream Islamic Finance product?


New member
So, as my part of islamic finance course, we are required to present an idea to a bank’s top board about an Islamic product they should launch.
I am persistent to endorse a product in consumer space. Hence, I was thinking what would be the dream finance product that isn’t Islamic yet. Or, even if it’s Islamic, it doesn’t produce the desire results.
@mikemule Just normal banking products that I can use on risky basis with confidence.

An account to save
An account to get my pay check in.
A mortgage
Any financing for cars etc.
investment brokerage account

Basically what every bank offers but I want it 100% halal. Don’t make it complicated. Make it accessible. Make it modern and tech savvy.

Islamic fintech products should be accessible to everyone. Not just Muslims.
@dscycling We need this.

Rent increases year after year, no work done on the house by the landlord. All the landlords I've dealt with are out of touch and impossible to deal with since they have all the bargaining power.

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