What to do with 100k

@alexjml Financial advisors have no history or data to backup they provide good advice for investing.

If you need tax help go to a CPA. If you need estate planning talk to a CPA or Estate Lawyer.

Financial Advisors only know enough to calculate fees.
@alexjml Taking this advice would be easy only if financial advisors would truly uphold their fiduciary responsibilities. But most don't and there is little to no recourse when u realize years down that ur advisor was garbage and was looking only to line up his pockets because that assessment is always circumstantial. I would much rather hire a financial advisor for a one time gig every few years just to assess my portfolio and educate me on new products and do the research myself. Again that's just me.
@omnitude Buy some precious metals like silver or platinum, both are undervalued currently, both are used in many applications, both are not mined from the ground at the rate needed for industry, shortage is coming, prices will go up.
@omnitude I'd play it safe and talk with the bank about putting it toward your mortgage. There are some very safe investment options if you are doing well for income right now in your lives such as a GIC. Do you have any other debts or loans that are charging interest? If so you might want to clear those first.
@omnitude man.. im sorry that the situation sucked, but to get 100k. that is lifechanging money for loads of people. i'd agree with the gen opinion here, speak to a professional financial advisor. were it me? i'd likely invest it into my childs RESP. maybe something to consider

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