What percentage of your assets do you keep invested?


New member
23 y.o., currently have 15k total, out of which 3k is invested in VWCE and the rest is just lying around. No debt, no dependents, etc. With my current lifestyle, the 3 month emergency fund needs to be around 3k. Every month I invest 25% of my income, other 25% goes on rent.
So this sums up to:
20% emergency
20% invested
60% cash
What are your percentages on this?
@kellypmart Thank you reddit for forcing me to quit the platform and not having to deal with your shitty app anymore. Thank god better alternatives like lemmy exist. So long, you won't be missed.
@mkrist Do you mind to share which bonds and what platform you use?
I'm not used to invest in bonds in Europe (I'm assuming you are buying eu bonds)
@coltlane I have romanian and hungarian bond.

I know, they aren't AAA bond like Germany or Sweden, but the 6/7% annual yield is a good opportunity nowadays.

They are EU and NATO members, so the EU can monitor/supervision/sustain and there is no risk of "special military operation".

A lot of these bonds have a minimum amount of 1000€ and most of them are listed in EURO, so you are protected from the risk of currency exchange.

A website i use for discovering and looking for bonds is simpletoolsforinvestors.eu

It displays the info and yields of bonds listed in Borsa Italiana (some might not be available in your country) and they can be filtered on expiration date, currency, issuer etc.
@coltlane Thank you reddit for forcing me to quit the platform and not having to deal with your shitty app anymore. Thank god better alternatives like lemmy exist. So long, you won't be missed.
@kellypmart Taking in percentage, when starting to invest, is misleading. You are investing, which is great, and keeping some money in cash, which is ok also. If you have a reason to keep it that way, for instance peace of mind, than ok. Otherwise consider invest this money also. You have to understand that, if really needed, ETFs can also be sold; it's a liquid asset.
You have to understand that, if really needed, ETFs can also be sold; it's a liquid asset.

As long as they keep in mind that being forced to sell them means you might have to sell when prices are low. This doesn't mean they shouldn't do it, but it's something to be aware of and compare to their risk tolerance.
@kellypmart You'll get way more responses if you make your post a poll, we humans love to vote on polls :D

I'm effectively 100% invested all the time, I have a cash buffer/emergency fund but it's very small compared to my total invested assets.
@tjschaffer I mean for the downpayment. Depends from the time horizon, if it's shorter than 3-5 years it is risky. You may be forced to sell during a downturn or delay the purchase further.
@kellypmart I save like 60-70% of what I earn and I transfer it immediately to USA broker as there is no trust in our banking system in Ukraine. It survives somehow, but it does not feel reliable.
@convert2011 You should use an EU broker instead. The US has a history of confiscating money from Europeans for bullshit reasons. For example they stole 25k € from a Dane who was buying Cuban cigars from Germany. Completely legal in Denmark and Germany, but the US didn't like it, so they simply stole the money because the Dane was using a US-based payment service.

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