What percentage of your assets do you keep invested?

@kellypmart Similar age, we’re 24. We keep cash for emergencies for 3 months in a separate account, it’s not invested. We also have an accumulating travel account where we put 10% of our salaries each month, this money is spent at the end of the year. We invest 34% of our salaries, it’s a buy and hold strategy with no clear liquidation date in mind. 25% goes to rent, the rest of the money goes to monthly expenses. We have no cash that is “lying around”, it’s all either spent at the end of the month on some expenses or invested or goes to the travel account.
@kellypmart I invest the money i dont need for 5+ years. I only keep cash for thing i need, i have no idea about the percentages.

But what is even the point of making up a % to keep in cash or to invest? Just put your money to where it can fulfill a purpose.

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