What is the process of becoming an insurance agent in Calfornia (e.g. exam/training)?


New member
I'm a total noob to do this, but very curious.

What are some great resources for study material (Property & Casualty, Health insurance)?

Where or how do I take the exam? Kaplan?

What is the study time for both types of licenses?

Any other tips, suggestions, - are very much appreciated!
@alex24567 Most states licensing require 40 hrs of class and then a proctored exam. There are multiple “schools” that offer this. The most direct route is through online class. If you’re new new, I’d recommend in-person class so you can ask questions.
@alex24567 I did hondros in my state, but had experience coming in. Basically you’re just trying to memorize enough questions to pass the state exam and then you’ll learn your company rules/regs when you get there.
@alex24567 Apply for AAA, let them pay for your licensing and study materials for the test. Pass the test, enjoy 3 months of pointless training collecting that 50k salary check. Try to survive on the sales floor for a month. Apply elsewhere that respects you as a human being.

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