What is the illogical reason behind hospital room tariff and other charges?

@theendwasin70ad Well we don't have such option and company comes up with yearly reports citing premium paid vs claims made and shows concern that we are claiming more than we paid and hence premiums are increasing bla bla. I don't get this logic as well. This is basically health insurance and depends on employee base, risk factors this is bound to happen. We feel like it is just pooling of money, TPA verifies the bills and process payments
@mclachlan That's all the more reason to try to get a policy. Corporate policy for parents still make sense, as one may not get a policy, but you should definitely get a separate policy for self spouse and kids.
@mclachlan One reason is various panels like CGHS etc., Hospitals charge only about 25% of regular charges from them. Another reason is corruption, look at the electoral bonds purchased by a Hyderabad Hospital. Hospitals are like any other industry.
@mclachlan The only logical reason is to extract more money from you. when u opt for private room for which you are willing to pay more implies that you have more disposable income and that means u will be able to shell out more for other stuff too. just to pure profit motive nothing else.
@mclachlan The hospital bills can really leave you scratching your head, especially when you realize that the room you stay in affects how much you pay. It's like a puzzle, trying to figure out why a private room costs so much more than a shared one. And it's not just about the fancy stuff like air conditioning and private bathrooms; it's also about the care you receive.

In private rooms, nurses can focus more on you, but in shared rooms, they're stretched thin. Then there's the whole thing about who comes to see you – important doctors in private rooms, but mostly junior ones in shared ones. And let's not forget the extra charges for special care, like in the ICU, or the added costs for surgery.

It's like every little thing adds up, and before you know it, you're staring at a bill that's way more than you expected. And for many Indians, especially those struggling to make ends meet, these hospital bills can be a real burden, making it even harder to deal with already stressful situations...
@mclachlan This is actually a great system. Rich people pay more for everything, other people pay lesser.

Want a suite? Pay 500. Want a private room, 200. Want a shared room, 100. All your procedures are also proportionally charged more or less accordingly.

Allows them to subsidize procedures for folks who can afford less and charge more to folks who can afford more.
@mclachlan The rates are different because the facilities in the rooms are different. What you get in an ICU is so much more equipment and monitoring when compared to just a room thats why prices differ.

Having different room rates makes sense. Charging differently for the same service depending on which room you live in, doesnt seem to make sense

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