What is the end goal. What will you be happy with?

@4x4toy My goal is to pay down mortgage as quick as I can 135k left, I'll look at buying a property in Spain/portugal with a casa( small apartment on grounds) rent main building long term 20years or so and holiday in the casa, hope to retire long term out foreign in home and rent casa for extra income. Myself and herself have said we will drive older cars here for 20years and throw cash at our dream, i hope to have a decent pension by 60 to make decisions about retiring, we could always sell any of houses downsize if it gets too financially stressful, I'd get 700k for my ppr here in todays terms if I ever got in bother. We live at frugal enough lifestyle at moment with young family and are finally good with money.
@4x4toy Not too relevant to the question but just curious what industry/line of work you’re in? I also work long hours but don’t get paid for a lot of the “extras” I do. Wish I did.
@4x4toy I did that for almost 3 years. I cleared my car loan, some other debts and set myself up very nicely with a large deposit for a mortgage. Had ~40% of the house cost at the time of purchase, and money to do it up the way I wanted.

Once I was in I'd say it was 2/3 months before I stepped back massively. Sure I could have continued on and cleared off the mortgage in a few years but I'd next to no social life so what is the point.

Working a decent job now for a good bit less money but I'm out the door at 4:00 pm every day, and every evening and weekend is my own. I'm definitely much happier this way.
@grace4nan I think I am in a completely mirror position to you. I got my dream house last summer and we nearly have it to a dream standard and it is only recently when I really thought …..Huh, I finally have what I’ve always wanted and have been working my socks off for , so can I relax now ? I suppose that feeling of settlement is what I really need to FEEL. And understand that I don’t need to make a bomb of money for some massive purchase like a house in the near future. Earlier finishes but most importantly having not just one weekend but every weekend free is what I’m beginning to understand is what I’m after. The simple things right….. but I haven’t had more than 4/5 weekends off in easily a year and a half. Many weeks I’m working Sundays when I don’t even have too. Yes, my own fault

Thanks Darth
@4x4toy That's it really yeah. With my finances, sure I'm not flush with cash or changing the car every year or two but I've a house I love in an area I'm very happy in and at current pace I'll have the mortgage cleared well before I turn 50. In your own case it sounds like it's possible for you to maybe even just scale back how much you work and still make decent money staying doing your current line of work as well, which is ideal as you can presumably then scale back up if ever needed.
@4x4toy I just want to be independent. I really like my job. It keeps me engaged, socially connected and I'm very happy to work 95% of the time. I just want to choose to work, and not have to for money.

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