What is the best % rate for savings account in your country.

@annies Dakujem za odpoved. Tak som sa s nimi dnes porozpraval, velmi sa mi nepaci "odovzdat im kluc" (rovnake ako pred 10 rokmi). Btw pozrite si vyrocnu spravu (som ich drobny akcionar tak to citavam), cast o likvidite, dost ma to znervoznilo (hoci podobny problem maju vsetky SR banky).
@roxanne1011 super, dík za tip, mrknem.

TB má zatiaľ rating AA+, ale mimo tejto investície som od nich stiahol všetko ostatné, aby som bol diverzifikovaný. Inak medzitým tá úroková sadzba vzrástla a podľa mňa po ECB hike-u 16.3. pôjde ešte mierne hore.
@annies Je to problem likvidity, kriteria LCR (kratkodobe 30dni) a NSFR (dlhofobe 1 rok) . Banky si pozicali obrovske peniaze od ECB v ramci TLTRO III, Tatra nie
kde okolo 2 mld, pricom ako kolateral emitovala vlastne dlhopisy. Podmienky tltro sa znacne zhorsili a cca za rok a pol musia byt cele splatene. Na strane pasiv zas pouzivaju "behavioralnu analyzu"🙂 cim sa zazracne z cca 9mld vkladov na poziadanie stane len potencialny odtok cca 3mld za rok. Pri uroku 0% ked male banky ponukaju uz 2 az 3%. Podobne je na tom aj VUB co som pozrel.
@sourchier It changed in the meantime, last time I checked it was 3,3% p.a. for 2 years (around 3% for 1 year as far as I remember). Currency EUR. Rate changes weekly (or even more) so current rates are available only when you talk to them directly.
Bank 2%, paid monthly


Although payed exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in:
  • Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. The deck is yet to be payed.
  • Payed out when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. The rope is payed out! You can pull now.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment.

Beep, boop, I'm a bot
@sunflowers24 3% in France with a stupid 22K cap (official), I've managed to get 4.4% with diverse placement like live insurance, buildings, American, 3rd world countries, obligations etc but if I had do to again no, too much work for nothing, also last year y had 1.2% lost.

Societe General Fr.

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