What is the best % rate for savings account in your country.

@alabama54 The Livret A 3.00% account can legally be opened by non residents. I have yet to find a French bank that will let non resident EU citizens open a Livret A account.
@eastcascade Good luck with that, I’m French but non-resident and even opening a simple account to pay my taxes is a nightmare. Basically I need a rejection letter from a bank, go to the Bank de France with that for them to force a Bank to accept me (as it’s a right for French citizens to have an account in France). But then, after a year the bank is free to close my account… and the process starts again.

I’m not even mentioning the account opening process for my kid born abroad who had never step foot in France…
@rootsrockreggae It's tough. However I'm surprised, I lived in France at one point and was able to keep my account and livrets no issues as I moved across countries. Do you per chance live in the USA? How come they're closing your accounts yearly?
@exsoldier I still have my old account, luckily. Every couple of months they call me to tell me that they don’t accept non EU residents (I live in Dubai), but I’ve been receiving these calls for 8 years now.

I investigated the process a year ago to open another account that wouldn’t pressure me constantly to close, and all have refused and most explained me this process, that I could also see on government websites.

I had to open accounts for my kids who received a donation from my grandfather, and this effectively was impossible. I tried my luck opening accounts from them in my current bank, thinking that they might have bad enough process to notice, and it worked.
@rootsrockreggae Hmm, I personally had accounts at HSBC and in Switzerland at UBS. I've never head those issues. I suppose your bank was not well equipped to handle international clients. If you don't mind, at what establishment did you do your business?
@exsoldier It’s Hello Bank, the digital bank from BNP. Switzerland is much easier handling international clients, I used to work for UBS in France but they don’t have retail only private, and although I would qualify their fees are just something I’m not willing to get involved with. As for HSBC I didn’t try, it could possibly be a solution with having an account here and opening an expat one in Jersey, but HSBC here is too much of a nightmare, they blocked my account for 4 months (transfers, withdrawal, cards) and no one could understand why. I closed my account to get my cash, and 2 months later they contacted me again explaining that they found out all this was because when they scanned my visa their guy opened the scanner too soon so it was not full and asked me to come back to them…

I’m settled now I’m pretty confident that my current bank won’t act on it. And I only use the account to transfer money for paying taxes (Tax d’habitation / foncière), so it’s both not inactive to create problems not too active for them to take time on my case.
@bryher1980 La Poste force you to open a current/banking account before you can open a Livret A. You must be a resident to open a current/banking account. Hence, La Poste is not an option for non residents.

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