What if I can't sell my home and I pcs?


New member
I currently have a VA home loan, set to PCS overseas in two months. I'm worried that my home won't sell and renting isn't a viable option for me financially.

Are there any options for help with that? Idec if I break even I just want this stress gone.
@evolvedheathen Rental agency handles finding a renter and receiving rent payments every month, takes their cut (usually a fixed percentage of rental revenue), and sends you a check for the rest. You make the mortgage payment every month, and hopefully have a bit of profit left over.

Rental agency also coordinates things like repairs (say the water heater goes out, they'll find a local plumber/handyman to fix it, and you pay the bill), inspections, and evictions if necessary.

If the local rental market can support a rate that covers the expenses (mortgage, agent fees, etc.) and enough profit to make it worthwhile, it might be a good option to consider.

Even if you only break even or come out slightly out of pocket, eventually you'll end up with a paid off house, and home values typically appreciate over time.

There are risks though, like if a big repair becomes necessary. A sudden $15-20k bill for a roof replacement can be painful if you're not prepared for it. Also shitty renters can be a problem. If they stop paying, depending on the local laws, it can take several months to evict, while you're still on the hook for the mortgage. You can sue and get a judgment against delinquent renters, but if they have no assets or don't care about a hit on their credit, you might not ever see a dime from them.
@evolvedheathen People need to stop thinking they HAVE to buy a house at every new duty station. Just because it worked out great the past 10 years or so doesn’t mean it’ll work today.
@evolvedheathen I had the same concerns. I sold my house with OpenDoor. I did zero showing of my home. Just did one zoom meeting and signed some stuff over the app. they wired me the money within 24 hours.

it was literally as easy as Uber. I likely left about $30,000 on the table because I didn’t use a realtor, but I made so much money off the deal that I didn’t care.
@evolvedheathen aren't homes like really overvalued right now? I feel like you have a good problem on your hands. You mentioned just wanting to break even. I imagine you built up equity. Combined with the market today, I think worst case you can easily sell your house below market, break even, and be stress free. Houses are selling very fast
@evolvedheathen What you're discussing is a risk, sure. But look around your unit, how many are home owners? The number would be near zero if people got screwed all the time. By the numbers I saw you post, it sounds like you're about to pocket 20k.

No gamble, no future.

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