What HYSA do you use and what's the APR?

@thecross3 Wait what? I just transferred all of my money out of my capital one savings accounts because the rates were garbage. Less than 1%. Am I missing something?
@yandy1919 Wow. I feel like an idiot. I had ING and it rolled over to capital one. That’s the account I’ve have with them for years. I didn’t know there was a different type of account with higher interest. I’m kicking myself for all the interest I lost.

I’m also shocked capital one doesn’t market this more. I had a credit card with American Express and got intermittent mailings about their high yield accounts. Nothing from capital one and I have savings accounts and a credit card 🤯
@thecross3 There must be different types of accounts with Capital One because I have a very old account with them from the ING days that gets .30% apy which is why I barely use it. I just hunted down the high yield account to open to keep a very minimal amount of money. Annoying that this is how they treat loyal customers but I'm happy to keep my savings at another bank.
@thecross3 It's just annoying because at one point it was a HYSA but then the rates dropped so much that I wasn't paying attention and now all of a sudden it's not a HYSA anymore and I didn't realize they even had one. Great way to treat a loyal customer. I don't keep that much cash anyway so I normally just keep some to transfer into checking real quick if needed now that they also got rid of my overdraft line of credit. I tried to open one of their HYSA but they want me to call during business hours to open it for whatever reason. So screw it, my balance was getting a little too high with them so I went ahead and transferred to my other bank.

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