What HYSA do you use and what's the APR?


New member
Looking to move my savings from a traditional savings account into a high-yield savings account and wondering if there is a "golden ticket" HYSA out there or if it's just time to suck it up and start researching.
@christiandad AMEX 4.3% - not the highest, but was able to open with one-click due to already having a credit card. Was a perfect example of the barrier being so low I said sure.
@james1971 Amex HYSA is great! If the fed cuts rates rumor is AMEX holds your rate higher for longer on the way down. Time will tell, but that is important if we hit a cutting cycle.
@james1971 I have really enjoyed AMEX. Great company in my opinion. Also idk if rate cuts come unless more banks fail and they can't backstop the CRE losses. Going to be an interesting election year lol.
@arkady That's what do too. I figure the risk is minimal and I don't mind that it is slightly less liquid. I have a smaller amount of money in a standard savings account at my credit union with instant access.
@christiandad Its not an HYSA since that is a type of a savings account and SWVXX is a mutual fund that invests in bonds to get the average rate. It is incredibly safe like an HYSA, but is not FDIC insured. Which is not likely to be a problem but something to keep in mind. I do have a significant amount of money in it while I am building a house to pay for the ongoing expenses related to that project.

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