What happens if an auto insurance claim can’t be paid out?


New member
Hopefully someone can answer this. Our auto insurance adjuster and customer service have not been able to provide any solid answer… What happens if a car was a total loss (from hitting deer so no one else involved) and the check cannot be paid out? There is a lien on the car with estranged family members who have not answered us despite repeated attempts…. Should we just take the loss and cancel the claim entirely so as not to affect future rates? Car was removed from our property already so no issue there..
@joelmatho They will probably give the car back to you and pay the value minus salvage. Then they will just write a check to everyone on the title and let you figure out how to get it cashed.
@joelmatho You wont be able to cash the check until the estranged family members endorse it, why not just contact them yourself first and tell them to get in contaft with the adjuster so they can get paid for their interest in the vehicle?
@servantofchrist27 We’ve tried to contact all involved, which includes my in laws out of state and their friend they named titleholder, who lives in our state but has no personal/financial stake in the car. Not a single one has responded. I’m assuming the in laws have my husband & I blocked. We are not even sure of their address at the present time to even send a letter. The car was valued at 6,000 so it’s just crazy to have all that $$ gone to waste.
@joelmatho That stinks! If it were my company, we would have already done it probably. At this point they are probably tired of dragging it out too. There may not be any set amount of time they have to do something, but at this point they are losing money having the car sit in their salvage yard.

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