What does "total 6-month premium" mean?

@waitingongod I thought that too. I don't have any way to confirm that though, I have been unable to get through their idiotic phone bot to a person no matter what I try. It just says "you can get a quote online" and hangs up.
@tonya12 As a brand new driver without help from your parents, you really should not be doing this on your own. Google independent agents in your area and sit down with one. They can explain everything to you, make sure you have the correct coverage, and find you the best deal. It's free to use their services.
@former32%C2%B0mason The only independent agent in the area has inaccurate hours on google maps, is 45 minutes by transit away from me, and when I call to ask for an agent, forwards me nowhere.

EDIT: I managed to find one with a different search term, actually. Hopefully that works.

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