What budgeting apps do people use that connect to bank accounts?

@almiva It’s not automatic but I will always recommend YNAB. As suggested above, it takes 2 seconds to download an OFX or CSV file and import it. The tracking capabilities are powerful and it encourages you to give every dollar a job. We have saved a lot (for us!) because it truly encourages you to be intentional and structured with your finances. There’s also HEAPS of resources to help you, support available, and a FB community full of inspiration and ideas.

We’ve got an annual sub and it’s worth every dollar.

All the best for your journey!

Oh, hi! You've been invited to try YNAB! During your free month you'll gain a clearer picture of your finances so you can spend on the things that matter to you. Ready to (dare we say) love your spending? Tap the link to get started. https://www.ynab.com/our-free-34-day-trial/?utm_source=customer_referral&utm_campaign=mobile_share
@almiva My ANZ app can make as many online accounts as I want and I just name them into all my expenses, Rent, Insurance, Petrol, Food, Subscriptions, Anything goes(main account). On pay day I split everything up into their accounts, some automatic payments come out of insurance and rent. What's left I put into main account or savings accounts.

All the online accounts make more interest than an everyday account so you're actually making money budgeting this way. It's better for me to see where all my expenses are and what's left over than to have one account I dip into for whatever. Stops me overspending on unnecessary things
@almiva Just note giving your banking information to ANY app, program, webpage, or person outside of the banks own systems is against terms & conditions and negates ANY AND ALL protection banks give you. If you use an external app and something goes wrong, your bank can and will say "tough luck, sucks to be you".
@almiva Bit of a late comment but booster super have a budget application that links to bank accounts for free. I don’t have super with booster either.
@almiva Paye.net.nz has a free budget tool built in on the app, uses cookies to save the data that you put in so you could just put random numbers in they don't know where you are getting your numbers from.

I also have my own excel spreadsheet with a tab for each month and expenses broken down in categories, some amounts are set some amounts I change depending how the week/month went, last tab has a pie graph and a bar chart which show me how much money I spent and where I spent it for the year and also how much did I project to save vs how much I actually saved.

Allows me to be better at making decisions for the next fortnight, month and year.
@almiva We used to bank with Westpac. Their Cashnav app is great. It's not perfect at automatically categorising your transactions, but it makes a pretty good start and doesn't take long to tweak into shape. Shame the other banks don't have anything similar!
@almiva I've been using WeFIRE for about a month now and so far I've really been enjoying it. WeFIRE allows you to track your expenses and set your personal financial goals. The AI is also really smart about offering good suggestions for achieving my finance goals
@almiva I am just about to give up and do it all in spread sheets. Frollo, WeMoney ... both are unable to categorise reliably due to missing merchant data on my transactions.

Wemoney - around half the transactions with wemoney show as eftpos withdrawal, even the ones I know were for Coles or Woolies. So I have no way of knowing what I am spending on different categories

Frollo - Every time I would pick up an incorrectly categorised transaction e.g. Coles was showing as clothing, when I correct it to groceries, all of my transactions get recategorised to groceries, even petrol and pharmacy. Again, somethign to do with merchant data I think

I can only assume this is a Suncorp issue. A dying bank with no budget for fixing up stuff like open banking.
@almiva I tried a few and settled on my booster pal.

Takes a while to categorise transactions the first time but then it's pretty good after that and just need to categorise the odd new transaction each month.

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