What are your hacks/tips for maximising results for reward scheme

@idolsmasher +1 for AMEX platinum.

Obviously, it’s a credit card so I don’t recommend it if you aren’t diligent with your money.

It is also only accepted in approx maybe 50% of places? Independent stores almost never, chain stores mostly always.

I only use mine for petrol, groceries or large purchases like flights or appliances.

I always pay it off within the billing period to avoid interest.

I double up my Airpoints any chance I can.

Purchasing at Mitre 10 or New World let’s me scan both my AMEX and my Airpoints card.
@idolsmasher I have an everyday rewards card (countdown & BP) to maximise I only shop & get gas at these places. I utilise boosts & special offers on the website as much as possible and do the bulk of shopping online to keep track of it. Since 1st of Feb I’ve received 5 $15 vouchers. $75 saved in 2 months ain’t bad. Just don’t buy things purely because they are boost items and you’re not actually going to use them if they’re perishables.
@idolsmasher Unless you're putting your business class flights on your Amex, you're just working for free. They'll harvest your details, sell/lose them to scammers, and that's that. I have FlyBuys and the New World cards on my phone, but no amount of 'rewards' is going to be better than shopping around, buying what I need, as I need it.

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