What are your hacks/tips for maximising results for reward scheme

@idolsmasher This won’t be helpful but I’ve basically given up on any rewards scheme as they are all just ways to get you to spend more money with them and not shop around.
Plus the stress and time it takes to calculate all this in your head is just exhausting.

Not quite what you were looking for sorry but just my experience.
@kayc No, I get it . Plus the hassle of carrying around rewards cards for 100 and 1 different schemes. Most aren’t worth the effort but I have heard some people benefit greatly from some by being really organised .
@idomesmiler No reason to believe it isn't, and worst case scenario all they can really do is collect points on my account.

It's essentially just a digital version of the barcode on the back of your *loyalty card.

Edit to add Loyalty to differentiate from other cards
@ashleyjames240 Yeah, fair. I think I’m just a little stuck in my ways sometimes but this is a super good idea!

Thank you :) I’d asked an old friend what digital wallet app she was using ages ago (it seemed she had her student ID on hers? Which was how we got meals at our uni, so extremely convenient) but I’d never heard a response. It was probably this one tho :p
@idomesmiler If you're security conscious online (everyone should be) - I swear by a proper password manager and a change in your processes to use it 100%.
Go with a trusted, enterprise focused one, 1Password for example.

If you start using it for EVERYTHING, God it makes it easy. Passport details on hand, notes about special events, your licensing keys for owned products you bought (less important these days) all easy to get any time, and every single password is totally different.

Takes a bit to setup, but just do it and change all your passwords over a month or so sitting in front of the TV doing a dozen at a time.
Also you can setup MFA (One Time Password) so that you don't have to battle with text messages or emails to your account.
Use it on Android/iOS and your PC and Browser add in, and it will autofill everything including MFA code.

Genuinely so glad I did it, but invest a bit of effort and the return is massive.
@idomesmiler Disclaimer I make an alternative to Stocard on iOS, but I actually think Stocard is secure enough!
As the other commenter said it’s pretty much just storing your barcodes, not the logins or anything for your reward program accounts. I didn’t like it being a little too privacy invasive for my taste, wanting location permission and similar, and I didn’t like the promotions and some of the design choices. That said it is free and much better than carting around a bag full of physical cards to get a discount occasionally haha
@spillerofbeans Cheers for the transparency mate! And awesome that you’ve put in the effort to create your own alternative too (like genuinely awesome. I can’t wrap my head around programming). I can see how the location thing would be a pain, but I’m avoiding creating a Klarna account and as you say if it’s just storing the barcodes then it’ll probably be all good. I hope your app has a lot of success, though! :)
@idolsmasher Then you'd have to ask yourself if you are that person. I definitely am not, as much as I wish I was. I find it easier to just do the same meal plan every month and then buy the same stuff from pak n save. I don't even go anywhere else. I used to go to the vege shop, then supermarket but now I just do 1 shop. It saves time, it saves fuel and I really don't think I was saving that much going between stores and using rewards programs.
The new rewards program with countdown has really pissed me off. The extortionate prices if you are not a member just shows how greedy they are.

In terms of airpoints, unless you have a credit card that you pay off regularly so there is no debt, it's really not that beneficial. My grandparents were so good with their credit card that when they had it attached to flybuys they would get their money's worth for paying the annual credit card fee.
@kayc That’s why I just have one and only shop/gas up at these places and shop online. Easier to manage and far less stressful and inexpensive than shopping around in person wasting gas because the eggs are on special on the other side of town.
@idolsmasher My answer is the same as /@kayc

The mental effort to maximise reward points will distract you from good deals. You should still scan a loyalty card but don't change your behaviour based on the programme.

Note that if you shop at Woolworths then just scanning your card isn't enough. Before you go through checkout you need to click 'boost all' in the app.

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