What am I doing wrong?

@semisilas I am a "probashi Bengali", never lived in Kolkata, but I have been there to meet family. I so want to get a job and live my life there, ughhhh!!. It always makes me happy to see the mention of it.
@duffy44 Just do proper research before going to Us for further studies. This has turned out as a debt trap for many.

Not to mention you would be competing with guys from IIts for jobs in US.
@duffy44 Why wait till 2027, rather take a loan and go for masters now itself right?

Given the ROI on masters is good, you are losing close to 2-3 years of high earnings.
@enoch77 Tbh, I am scared of the huge loan and moving abroad without building some financial base over here. Probably if I make a relatively large corpus, I won't be using it and will take a loan eventually but I just do not want my fam to go absolutely mental. :3
@duffy44 Hmm fair enough whatever lets you sleep in night.

I live in US and a lot of my friends who did masters with me came on loan, they all got jobs and cleared their loans. And are leading a good life.

So as long as you want to work as a Software engineer in US, I can vouch for loan process.
Given good college and you are ready to put a lot of work.
@duffy44 My honest opinion is not to spend money to get a masters in US. Alternatively you can consider joining companies that send you abroad for work .
Situation is extremely bad for people who went for masters in recent years.
@louise28 This is the only part where I get contradictory opinions every two days! Someone replied in this post that all their friends are doing really well who went to US for masters. So, I understand this will be deeply personal decision which I'll have to make for myself. For now, I want to build enough foundation for going abroad. If i decide to go then it's good but if I don't I have a solid financial foundation.
@duffy44 2 cases:

I went to US in 2018. Took a loan of 40L. Lived in Arizona so remaining cost of living was low. Needed 3L extra. Our 2 Bed apartment was the collateral.
I could not find a job for 9 months after graduation. 6 of those were due to Covid. I then got a job and paid off my loan last April. I paid about 64 L. Untill that I had very limited savings. I still have no H1B. And will possibly return to India in Sept with small savings.

My sister worked her ass off and got promoted to senior in her company in 5 years. She managed to switch teams to a US team. She got L1A and now has green card. Had amazing savings in India. Lived debt free in US. Like you, she does not want to marry or have kids.

Listen to what the previous commenter said. It is 100 percent sound advise. Right now it is very very tough to get a work visa because most companies are not sponsoring students. The absolute best option is to get L1.

Acquiring huge debt at 28-30 is not a wise decision.

Good luck!
@duffy44 You’ll be generally fine if you graduate from a good school(top 10-15) in the US. Otherwise the financial investment required and the stress regarding the visa , green card etc is simply not worth it.

Try to avoid debt as much as possible. If your family can contribute to your masters degree then that’ll be very beneficial for you.
@duffy44 The situation in west is a lot tricky right now. Many firms are not hiring and it seems things will move like this for a while. A friend of mine recently went to Canada in 2021, for his masters. I was his lead when he was working with me here in India. After completing his post-graduation he was having trouble getting a job. Me and a few of my friends had to pull in some strings and play referral game to get him a job. And this dude, is pretty skilled and still it needed extra hands to get him a job.

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