What’s your X-Mas spending plan this year?

@rotarybuddy I’m thankful, both my children are of the age where Santa makes a swift deposit into their account.

And we have ever done adult gifts, because I want something I can buy it for myself & why would I want trinkets I feel I can never get rid of because they were gifted to me 🤷🏼‍♀️
@rotarybuddy As a 25 year old with no mortgage I will be aggressively spending my cash in hopes of further rate rises and eventual unemployment because that’s totally what I should do with my money.

Jokes aside I’ll buy stuff for myself but otherwise nobody I need to buy for. Single this year & family doesn’t do Christmas presents yippie
@rotarybuddy A couple of years ago the family decided to stop wasting money buying everyone presents because when buying for everyone you were easily spending $600-$700 on stuff people didn’t really want, just because you had to buy them something. Now we do a Kris Kringle pick out one name and spend $120. We all write a list of things we want and then buy certain things off that list so we aren’t buying needless crap. We still buy for the kids but it saves a heap of money just buying for one.
@jraad My family switched to a KK last year (we still get the kids a present), took some convincing but we are all adults and if we need something we will just buy it ourselves.

My wife's family on the other hand, we suggested a KK and it's like you just killed grandma, how dare you take away their presents.
@joeswe My side of the family decided to stop giving presents to adults at all. It’s glorious! Saves the stress of Christmas so much. Finally on my husbands side my SIL has just bought a house and is now firmly on the no presents side. She was the only one who wanted presents last year so it’s nice now not to have to worry with finding something that may or may not get used. We still have unused gift vouchers from MIL from last year.
@jraad My family has been doing KK for a few years now when all of us agreed that spending money on stuff nobody wanted would save time and money. Everyone has their own list and we have a price limit. If someone wants something over budget, they pay the difference.
@rotarybuddy My wife and I have been like this for years. It’s more about experiences, focussing on the kids to make their Xmas, spending time with loved ones.

We could happily spend thousands on each other. But we don’t need to. Besides we tend to buy stuff when we need it.
@monoxidial We've been like this for several years now too.

Even before I met my partner her family had pretty much cut out presents.

Just too in laws.

My family are overseas, and since my nieces and nephews have grown up there's no presents sent.

I've even cut down on Christmas cards. I make sure my friends overseas who have kids get them as they like the Aussie themed ones.

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