What’s the current status of the Canadian economy? / Quelle est la situation actuelle de l’économie canadienne?


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In the second quarter of 2022, real gross domestic product (GDP) in Canada rose by 0.8%, the fourth consecutive quarterly increase. Growth was moderated by declines in housing investment (-7.8%) and household spending on durable goods (-3.1%) and by a rise in imports (+6.9%) that exceeded exports.

To learn more about GDP by income and expenditure, explore this interactive data visualization tool. It makes it easy to access the many datasets in these accounts and highlights the latest results, with time series for certain components. You can view top indicators for the current quarter, charts showing the recent history for each account, and much more.

[We are Canada’s national statistical agency. We are here to engage with Canadians and provide them with high-quality statistical information that matters! Publishing in a subreddit does not imply we endorse the content posted by other redditors.]


Au deuxième trimestre de 2022, le produit intérieur brut (PIB) réel au Canada a augmenté de 0,8 %. Il s’agit d’une quatrième augmentation trimestrielle consécutive. La croissance a été atténuée par une baisse des investissements en logement (-7,8 %) et des dépenses des ménages en biens durables (-3,1 %) et par une hausse des importations (+6,9 %), qui a été supérieure à celle des exportations.

Pour en savoir plus sur le PIB selon les revenus et les dépenses, découvrez cet outil interactif de visualisation des données. Cet outil facilite l’accès à de nombreux ensembles de données dans ces comptes, met en évidence les résultats les plus récents et présente des séries chronologiques de certaines composantes. Vous pouvez consulter les principaux indicateurs du trimestre en cours, des graphiques qui présentent l’historique récent de chaque compte, et plus encore.

[Nous sommes l’organisme national de statistique du Canada. Nous sommes ici pour discuter avec les Canadiens et les Canadiennes et leur fournir des renseignements statistiques de grande qualité qui comptent! Le fait de publier dans un sous-reddit ne signifie pas que nous approuvons le contenu affiché par d'autres utilisateurs de Reddit.]
@audreyl I love your stuff, /@audreyl. Thanks for bringing information to me so I can keep up to date instead of having to spontaneously think of looking for it. Happy to have you guys here
@gohusu236 Ease elaborate on how their methodology needs to be tweaked. Were all for better statistics, less so for un-sourced screaming into the void

Edit, sorry I can't read, I agree with above poster.
@eyeseeyou Definitions for Boomers






Based is a slang term that originally meant to be addicted to crack cocaine (or acting like you were), but was reclaimed by rapper Lil B for being yourself and not caring what others think of you—to carry yourself with swagger.

Based has been appropriated by the alt-right online as a general term of praise, as if “un-woke.”
@tanilis It’s funny I had to do a few double takes to read “Based” and I thought he said “Biased” because I literally went to the comment section wondering “I wonder if anyone will try to call them biased”, so this comment fucked me up for a minute lol
@its_me1945 And they say the impact of rate hikes isn't felt for 6 months. We're just now reaching 6 months after that first small hike. Who knows what reports will look like later in the year
@its_me1945 Everybody also taking up extra part time jobs if they can to pay the bills from huge inflation to mortgage interest rate raises.

Stock market too many industry going down. Everybody pulling money out to pay for stuff. Gonna get worse before Christmas season.

Least affected as always are the rich. Real rich. So markets related to mass luxury products such as Apple iPhones will have investment potential.

They going mass satellite feature in iPhone 14 or 15, with GSAT being top competitor qualified to provide global emergency satellite service for Apple. Expected announcement September 7-9. Their stock been going against general market and going up and up, for example.
@sclayton9 With work from home being so popular it has never been an easier time to pick up a second job. You could easily hold 2 full time WFH jobs.

Downvote all you want, moonlighting is now daylighting with WFH options easier than ever
@joelclarkemurphy How so? I know two people doing it. Not much chance of meaningful raises so they nearly doubled their salary finding another wfh job to juggle, maybe some days are a little busy but they seem to be fine
@besorlah I actually believe this. When I started working from home, my work day quickly became 3 hours. Engineer. Will be at home indefinitely, could easily have a second job, but fack that!