Webinar: American Moving to Portugal – Investing & Retirement Planning


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When people reach out to our team of US expat financial advisors, there’s a good chance they’re either living or planning a move to Portugal. And it’s not just something we’ve seen. It’s something the Wall Street Journal & LA Times have written about, too. So as Portugal continues to grow in its popularity for Americans moving and retiring abroad, we focused on the key components of such a move from a finance & investing lens in this webinar.

Our team of advisors – Stan Farmer, CFP®, J.D; Syl Michelin, CFA; and Keith Poniewaz, Ph.D. – present and then answer questions in the second portion of the webinar. Questions before or after watching the webinar? Send us an email at [info@walknercondon.com](mailto:info@walknercondon.com).



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