Wealthnavi performance compare to other Nisa providers


New member
I have searched around on information about potential service for NISA.

What I read online is almost always about o Rakuten, SBI, Money ... Mainly comparing their UI and Funds availables. But very few info on this reddit about robot investor like wealthnavi

Now, I really don't like finances and having to look at stocks etc... I like those "Put and don't care" so I was looking for the minimals steps to get some decent returns.

I heard about Wealthnavi and tried to look for info. I mainly see good things, great UI, decent performances but with a huge downside for the 1% service fee.

Now, how does that compare from other providers and is it bad ?

My point being, if I do all manually without checking, and get like a return rate of like 9% or if I do aggressive strategies on Wealthnavi and get idk like 12% wouldn't in the end be more worth it to use wealthnavi?

If you open a SBI or Rakuten account and put you funds in like the S&P 500, or emaxis etc... with low cost fees and not touch again for 10 years, are you in the end doing better than just putting on something that supposed to perform better but take from you a higher fee?

Is there other services like wealthnavi that are decent but cheaper ?
@cloyne What's your theory for why you'd get higher performance from the robot?

The robot is just investing you in a bucket of ETFs that you can buy anyway. Within a NISA account, there's no tax loss harvesting or anything like that. So if you go buy an ETF mix of 35% US, 20% developed non-US, 20% emerging markets, etc., how could wealthnavi deliver higher performance than DIY through someone like Rakuten?

In a regular account where you can rebalance easily, or where TLH is possible, I can see how a robo offers value. Or if you're just absolutely paralyzed by the thought of executing your own simple investment strategy, okay. But I'm hard pressed to see that being worth 1% every year (US robos charge 0.25%), and in a NISA, you don't get most of those benefits.

If you've got the discipline and self-control to execute a simple investment strategy, just DIY. If you really need the hand-holding, doing it through a robot is better than not doing it at all.
@cloyne I have Wealthnavi. The appreciation is not that good if I check the dollar value, only 9% since 2019. But on a yen basis, the appreciation is 38%. So mostly due to higher dollar value vs. Yen. Note that I've set at maximum risk possible :)

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